7 Ways to Innovate and Prove You’re Worthy
The terrible truth of work is that almost anyone can do anything. I don’t want to make you paranoid, but open up the UCLA Extension course catalog, a MOOC or watch a few “how-to” YouTube videos, and you get my drift. Education and skills are the easiest things to acquire.
Leaving out advanced neurosurgery, the …
Fairy Tales and Workplace Success
Most of us read fairy tales during our childhood. Did you ever notice that fairy tales actually show us ways of being successful in difficult situations? Also, they teach us how we should think and behave in order to survive in any condition. Therefore, we should not underestimate the importance of fairy tales as adults …
The Elusive “Right” Conversation in Today’s Workplace
Have you ever been frustrated and confused by recurring conversations that never achieve your intended results?
If so, the answer could be that you are having one of the three “wrong” conversations.
Specifically, it is likely you’re having the “wrong” conversation with the “right” person. (See diagram)
Finding the “right” conversation is trickier than it …
Are You in the Wrong Occupation?
Are you in the wrong occupation? Probably.
Here are a few of the top reasons you are likely to be in the wrong occupation:
– There are over 10,000 standardized occupations and you have not even considered 9,995 of them
– You would consider it wasting you education to go into another field
– You …
The Personal Brand Mistakes No One Shares You’re Making
Professionals—and people in general— avoid confrontation like the plague. We live in a society that accepts, and even encourages, small social lies. When a co-worker asks, “How are you doing?” They rarely want the entire rundown of triumphs and ills. Instead, she expects a reply of, “Fine. How are you?”
While the example above does …
Unhappy at Work? You’re Not Alone!
If you’re somewhat less than enthusiastic about getting up each workday and heading off to your job, you’ve certainly got a lot of company. According to the latest job satisfaction survey (published in June 2014) by The Conference Board, a global, independent business membership and research association, even though job satisfaction levels currently are the …
5 Things to Do Before Building A Personal Brand
A strong personal brand isn’t created overnight. It takes time to discover your strengths, identify your passions, and build a community of followers.
In a Medium article by Gary Vaynerchuk, he talks about how a personal brand can lose value if an individual doesn’t “put in the work.” Vaynerchuk also explains many people overlook the …
What Would Tom Brady Say About You?
Last Sunday, my favorite comment by any of the many sportscasters was this: “Brady was unstoppable when the pressure was strongest.”
What if we said that about you?
Are you unstoppable when the pressure is the strongest?
The strongest stress is when it all comes down to one action you must take in one moment, …
Can the Corporate Brain Drain Be Reversed?
A few weeks ago, a close relative of mine (a Gen Xer) resigned his $130,000 a year job. He is a software architect, a profession in short supply.
Why did he resign his job? Here are a few reasons: He felt the company management was dysfunctional; the company was milking an antiquated technology; the product …
The #1 Relationship Problem That Stalls Your Career
All of us have experienced “relationship” problems. You might have a problem with your girlfriend or boyfriend, life partner, parent, sibling, business partner, best friend, roommate, boss, coworker or even a neighbor. Really, given the number of people in your life, especially when you add your FB fame or any other cyber group you’re in: …