Category: Reputation Management

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Personal Brands: Are You An “Is, And, Also?” Ok!

“All the best people are!” That’s what we would have said had we met at an upper crust luncheon still roiling at 4 PM, when too much to drink caused us to wave white wine glasses as we made dramatic, inclusive gestures and generously greeted one another’s secrets. It’s under those country club settings that …

authors cornerLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Why Workplace Etiquette Matters

Our 24/7 instant-access virtual world has taken the “person” out of “personal,” especially in the workplace. Until we all turn into robots with hard drives, I suggest we take a breath and slow down long enough to remember that we are all living, breathing people with feelings who get passionate, tired, burned out, excited, worried, …

PRRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Three Tips for Handling a Social Media Brand Crisis

One of the most amazing benefits of leveraging social media is the ability to gain momentum behind a concept or brand. The corresponding negative is damaging publicity and untrue information can also spread quickly and gain traction.

Most professionals are wholly unaware of how to handle a social media crisis for their personal brand or …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Imposter Syndrome

The other day I was speaking with a colleague about Impostor Syndrome. In short, Impostor Syndrome is a psychological phenomenal where individuals cannot internalize their accomplishments. We shared stories of clients who were very successful but lacked confidence in their abilities to be successful. The clients could not credit their success to their talents and/or …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Moving to an Inspired Business Model

“We are all students and we are all teachers”

We hear so much about greed today but what the media isn’t focusing on so much and should are the sprinkling of businesses that are doing good in their communities. Below are three stories of businesses that changed their model to incorporate community support. The prize …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

6 Signs Your Ego Has Taken Over Your Brand

While your personal brand is essential to being a marketable job seeker, there’s a fine line of creating a name for yourself and becoming too self-promotional.

When promoting your brand on different social media platforms, it’s tempting to want to share content only about your life and career. Although it’s important to promote what you’re …

InterviewRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Personal Branding Interview: Mike Zammuto, President

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I recently interviewed Michael Zammuto, who is the President & Chief Operating Officer of Mike is a dynamic, multi-award winning online and technology executive with a history that spans multiple successful startups, large technology firms, a top 40 web site and a leadership role with Microsoft. Mike’s …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

5 Lessons My Father Taught That Shape My Decisions!

My father took his role as a parent seriously and frequently reminded my siblings and me that certain values were important to him. He unabashedly told us at different times that if we wanted to make him happy, we too would abide by these five principles: And conversely, if we didn’t, well…he’d be deeply disappointed. …