Category: Podcasts

PodcastsRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Tools for Your Online Personal Brand: Website, Blog & Podcasting Equipment

Years ago, hiring technical programmers to develop websites was required. Businesses were forced to outsource to graphic designers, website consultants and few saw the power in personal branding. People that couldn’t afford these services lost the opportunity to showcase their personal brand online or even a new e-commerce website. The words “JavaScript”, “HTML”, “Pearl”, “C++” …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingNetworkingPodcastsRelationships & Personal Growthtv

Personal Branding TV: Episode 9 – On-Blog / Off-Blog Networking


Personal Branding TV is back, with another episode. This episode positions me with Boston College student Scott Bradley, who has a keen interest in networking and bridging strong business and social relationships. As you build your blog, extend your reach through social networks and connect to individuals that share similar interests, you can take …

Communication & NetworkingPodcastsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Seth Godin chooses blogs over social networks [podcast]

There are many influencer’s on the web, but few stand out as much as brand Godin (Seth Godin). In this video Seth speaks about web 2.0, social networking and blogging. He also talks about permission marketing and his purple cow theory, both of which I strongly believe in. He always says “good ideas spread” and …

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Special thanks to Andres Perez Ortega for including the Spanish subtitles in this promotional video. This is a great example to emphasize the power of globalization in a web 2.0 world.

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Announcing The Next Generation of Personal Branding Online

Over the course of the past 6 months, I have consumed every piece of knowledge on Personal Branding. I’ve been a product of Personal Branding as well as a spokesman on the subject. I decided after all of my ventures to build an example of what all Personal Brand websites should look like now and …

Communication & NetworkingConfidence & AppearanceLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingNewsPodcastsPositioningRelationships & Personal Growthtv

Personal Branding News: July Roundup Part 1

So far this month, there has been some very impressive articles relating to Personal Branding. I’ve taken the liberty to capture this news in one post to share with all of you. It also goes to show that Personal Branding reaches out to multiple topics and affects various audiences at once.


The Golden Age …

Communication & NetworkingFuturesInterviewNetworkingPodcastsPositioningProject ManagementRelationships & Personal Growthtv

Believe in yourself and your brand

Your brand is the total combined sum of your personality, appearance, competencies, all held together by one or more differentiating qualities. In order to communicate your brand message to your audience, you need to believe in yourself and the brand you’ve established. You need to be confident that you have discovered the correct career path, …

NetworkingPodcastsRelationships & Personal Growth

The 3 Most Important Personal Branding Skills to Have

When trying to focus on every aspect of Personal Branding, especially in this generation, things get overwhelming and unmanageable. When a corporation releases a new campaign for a product or to promote their own brand, there are various media outlets and styles that need to be accounted for and different audiences that need attention. While …