Category: Networking

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7 Personal Branding Tips for College Graduates

Guest post by David G. Heiser, college senior and intern.

Sponsored: Online college degrees can make candidates out of the previous unemployable

It’s strange to think about it because it’s only October, but for seniors like me, entry into the real world is quickly approaching. We may not want to accept that our final summer …

eBrandLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Social Networking: Number Friends Vs the Quality of Each Friend

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A lot of very influential people are sounding off that it’s not the number of friends you have on social networks that matter, but rather the quality of the relationships. For instance, many people would rather have 100 close knit contacts on LinkedIn than 600 “lose contacts” or people …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Complete Guide to Pitching Traditional Journalists Using Your Personal Brand


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Personal PR is how we form relationships with our audience.

It’s time to put on your personal PR hat once again. Many people believe that we need to be wealthy in order to afford the big budgets that PR firms call for. All the press I’ve received has been …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Think Like a Company Because YOU Are One

I’ve thought a lot about the distinction between company and individual this week. If you analyze the makeup of the company you work for, then you notice that the various business functions are relevant in your own life. In a world where, everyone is for themself, you have to understand how you can make yourself …

gen-yguest postNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Learn How to Build Relationships with the Millennials

Guest post by Jason Jacobsohn

The millennials are coming…are you ready?

Every generation has its way of seeing the world and interacting with people. In order to build relationships of trust and respect, it is important to know some of the nuisances with each generation.

You can’t ignore the millennials who were born between 1980 …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Revisting the Network Strength Pyramid for 2008

Back in time

One of my first blog posts ever, was on my previous blog “Driven-to-succeed,” which was built on October 4th, 2006. As some of you may know, I leveraged all the relevant content from my past blog for this one. The blog post introduced a working model for networking, which I called the …