The Power of Someone Who Believes in You
Playing host to family visiting me in southwest Florida recently I took my guests on a tour of the winter estates of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford in Fort Myers. I had never realized before that that the two men knew each other, much less had homes right next door.
But what fascinated me the …
Some Final Words on Maximizing Big Events
After my recent series here on Networking at Conferences, I received a number of questions from folks who wanted just a bit more guidance on specific aspects of making the most of their conference experience. So I thought I’d wrap up the series by answering some of the most popular and interesting questions in hopes …
Adding “Connector” to Your Personal Brand
Much of my joy from networking comes not from what new business I can generate (okay, that is fun), but from learning about what others do and how I can connect them to the ideas, people and resources that can help and inspire them.
Generous and helpfulGood networkers are generous with sharing information and …
Employers Reward Savvy Networkers Who Don’t Fear Strangers
The larger your social network, the higher paid you’re likely to be. According to Anderson Analytics, the $200k+ crowd is spectacularly outgoing, at least from behind their laptops.
Most contact involves complete strangers, since the outside limit on real friends might be as high as 50 and …
Announcing the 2009 Personal Branding Summit in Boston
Over the past few years, I’ve been experimenting and executing new projects rather quickly. In fact, between March 14 and August 1st of 2007, I created this blog, as well as Personal Branding TV, Personal Branding Magazine, the Personal Brand Awards, and I wrote articles for magazines and websites. Since then, I’ve obviously slowed …
Networking at Conferences – Part 3
People have heard me say many times that I tend to avoid networking events. What? A networking expert not getting out face-to-face? Don’t I practice what I preach, especially since the subtitle of my book is “attract a following in person and online?”
Of course I do! I think networking in person is a vital …
6 Tips to Keep a Mentor
I get messages almost daily from people who read my blog and want to meet with me by phone or in-person. As a rule, though, I won’t meet with anyone unless they have interacted with me several times, or they give me a good reason (not just “let’s chat”). I realize this may make me …
Personal Branding Interview: Liz Lynch
Today, I spoke to Liz Lynch, who contributes to the Personal Branding Blog every Thursday. She is a networking strategist, speaker, author of Smart Networking: Attract a Following in Person and Online, and founder of the Center for Networking Excellence. Liz shares her thoughts on why you need to create your own personal brand to …
Why LinkedIn Recommendations Really Are Valuable
In a blog post titled “Requested Recommendations on Social Networks: Why I Won’t Do It“, Jeremiah Owyang weighs in against recommendations on LinkedIn. Although what he says has a lot of merit, ultimately this is an example of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
In his article, Jeremiah sums up by saying:
I Won’t …
Networking at Conferences – Part 2
Though numbers may be down this year due to the economy, according to Meetings & Conventions magazine, more than 27 million people attend conferences, trade shows, and conventions each year. And the main reason they go is to network.
It’s no surprise then that in their brochures and on their websites, conference organizers take great …