Customer Service = Brand
The past few weeks have been an interesting experience and a lesson in terms of “what good does not look like” in the wonderful world of customer service. Here is the situation. I am in the midst of trying to move some retirement money around and have been doing so for the better part of …
How To Promote Your Brand-Building Self-Published Book
In response to Jason and Victor’s comments about last week blog post, Introducing an Even Easier Way to Write Your Book, I’d like to share some of the ways you can promote your brand-building ebook or self-published print-on-demand book.
The following ideas are presented with the caution that they are ideas, or options; not a …
25 Ways to Prospect and Build Your Brand
I spent two decades in broadcast radio sales and management with some of the top media companies. I was an award winning new business salesperson because I was a great prospector and networker. As I look back now, I realize that I was building my professional brand at the same time. I didn’t know that …
The NEW Golden Rule
If you ask most anyone in serious networking circles what the Golden Rule of Networking is, they we reflectively respond, “Give First, Get Second.” While there is lots of truth in that answer, it is not the complete answer. It can’t be, as there is much more to successful networking than just giving.
Networking is …
A Lesson From Mulberry Street
When you think of networking, what do you think of? Likely meeting new people, right?
It is your hope, that these new people will need what we have to offer. Or at the very least, you are certainly hopeful that these new people will introduce you to still more new people. And sooner or later …
LinkedIn Branding for Today’s Savvy Job Seeker
Did you ever play duck, duck goose as a kid? This popular game makes its rounds in nearly every kindergarten playground in the country, teaching children as young as 5 that being different (i.e. the goose) is good.
Duck or gooseWith 80% of all companies using social media tools to recruit and 95% of …
The Importance Of Being Interested
Imagine you walk into a business gathering filled with strangers. Who do you tend to gravitate towards, the person who treats you as a stranger by ignoring you or the person who takes the time to make eye contact and say hello?
Imagine you are in a meeting with individuals you have met before, but …
Networking is Dangerous
“Wait,” you’re saying. “That’s not what I’ve heard. Networking is the only way to find leads for sales, jobs, and life in general.” Yes and no. Not all networking strategies are created equal, and some can hurt your brand for the long term.
The networking “strategy” of “volume” doesn’t build value if people don’t remember …
Tactically Speaking: VPPs Matter
Launching or re-launching your personal brand? The best target audience is the toughest to get. You need to be known by Very Powerful People. Visibility and connections with your industry’s VPPs gets you faster traction and a sharper trajectory, whether you’re looking for a new job, ready to leave one field for another, or want …
Your Networking Piggy Bank
Would you be motivated to network if whenever you shook hands with someone, you got a penny? Would you be inspired to take action if you got a nickel when you shared information with another? How about if you got a dime when you provided encouragement to a person who was down? The answer to …