How To Get Clients From A Conference Or Trade-show
Over the course of a year, my company spent over $25,000 on conferences and trade-shows. Quite a lot of money for a start-up, but something that we found to be absolutely necessary to generate enterprise-level client leads and expand our pipeline. To see a return on our investment, we would need to generate over $25,000 …
Four Steps To Prepare Yourself For A Career Change
When you want to change careers — to a new field, a new industry or both — your personal brand can feel like a ball and chain weighing you down.
It can seem like your brand does is HURT your plans to change careers, rather than helping you achieve your goals.
But it doesn’t have …
The Power Of Going To The Right Networking Events
Not long ago, I wrote about how if you want to meet the right people in networking, you need to change how you do it. Stop the emphasis on job-hunting events, and turn your focus towards learning events. So, what’s really the benefit to that?
From what I’ve experienced, when you invest your own time …
Four Steps To Finding Or Starting Your Own Tribe
Do you have a tribe? Seth Godin says a tribe is a group of people connected to one another, to a leader, and to an idea.
A tribe is not necessarily a geographic group of people bound together by proximity and family. A tribe can be a group of people centered around a single idea, …
Separation Of Personal And Brand
LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and social networking sites have given you a platform for creating and managing your reputation: your personal brand.
Perhaps that’s not working for your family.
Perhaps they don’t care to read your wonky blog about the political war being waged on contraception, or don’t know why you want them to know …
Four Steps to Take When You’ve Been Downsized
When you have been downsized, the first inclination for many people is to hit the job boards and begin searching for their next job. But doing that right after a layoff or termination may be more difficult than you think. Many people start a new search before they’ve had a chance to prepare and unwind, …
Eliminating The Nerves Of Networking
Do you walk away from networking situations feeling like it was a display of your best you? Or do you walk out the door feeling like you missed out on great relationships simply because you were too nervous?
Looking at those who network best, it seems to be some natural trait that they were born …
The New Personal Branding Online Success Formula
On the surface, nothing could be more complex than personal branding success. Our abilities and skills, the strength of our determination to succeed, the strategy we follow or even being in the right place at the right time all seem to be contributing factors. And yet by so reasoning we would be falling into one …
Network Like You (Should) Date.
All too often, networking events feel like going to a bad singles’ mixer. There’s always that one guy racing around the venue, collecting contact info like it’s a contest. Or that one woman you just met who asks invasive premature questions about your work trying to decide if you’re the “one” (who can help her …
20 Questions Smart Employees Ask Themselves
These 20 questions cover five key areas that are critical to your accurately evaluating how well you’re doing at work. Your answers (or score) predict whether you’re likely to be promoted, fired or kept simmering in the same spot for years to come.
Score each question on a scale of 1-10 (10 = AWESOME). Add …