The 3 C’s of Effective Engagement
This post is relatively short by design. It’s focused on three things that are both easy and hard to do. I hope you can use them for your end of the year planning and for your 2013 goal setting.
These are what I’m calling the Three C’s of Social Engagement.
ContentThe ability to create, …
Networking Holiday Style
The holidays are upon us and we are either invited to business functions and social parties or we decide to host a party ourselves. Many people view these events as stressful. Accordingly, some ideas are listed below to help you enjoy the events more fully. And they are designed to help further enhance your personal …
A Subtle Way To Look Smart
It’s really easy to look smart.
One of my favorite parts of my work as a keynote speaker is after a presentation when students come up to me to ask a question. I love getting the chance to speak to people individually to help them with their specific challenges.
However, there is one aspect of …
5 Tips for Increasing Your Odds for Success
Everyone has heard about the Powerball winners from a few days ago. One of the winners let the computer pick random numbers. Which statistically is just as likely to succeed as taking a more measured course by selecting favorite numbers. All in all … Good for them. I hope they do great things with their …
3 Things Master Networkers Do
Networking to grow your business, brand or reputation has shifted to another dimension. Don’t fight it, rather, welcome the opportunities networking can yield.
Let’s face it meeting the right people, making quality connections and growing relationships is an art. Not everyone is good at or comfortable with meeting new people, chit chat and socializing in …
Personal Branding Weekly and LinkedIn Word of Mouth
Editor’s Note: Did you see the relevant and helpful posts about your brand at holiday parties? Or, how about the post that you still (and always) need a business card? Do you agree?
From securing a mentor to how to brand yourself when you have years of experience – take a look …
Why Professional Etiquette Is Overrated
Several years ago, I went to a networking event right near Washington, D.C.
One woman in the group introduced herself as an “etiquette expert.” Then, she gave everyone in the room one of her “best tips on how to be professional:”
Make sure your name tag is on the right side of your shirt/jacket and …
How To Get A Mentor
The first mistake most people make when seeking out a mentor is asking a role model to take on that responsibility. Mentoring is an enormous chore. Don’t underrate the undertaking of it. You are asking someone to take a personal interest in your development.
It reminds me of a first kiss. At least, that’s when …
7 Tips for Hearing More and Doing More
Listen up! Yes You! Listen up!
It’s not just for coaches and teachers anymore. Give the person speaking the courtesy of your attention. Your conversations will go smoother and faster. You will be able to get more done in less time.
This is especially true for face to face meetings. It is also true for …
Jump Over the Biggest Job Search Hurdle
The job market is rough these days. Well, perhaps that is an understatement. And, because of this, all of the traditional bottlenecks of a job search have gotten much harder.
So, today, we are going to walk through two very simple strategies, nearly guaranteed to get you through the most intense job search bottleneck.
What …