The Seven Habits of Lackadaisical Job Seekers
WARNING: Occasionally I lapse into tough love mode when trying to get the attention of those who are carelessly hurting themselves and their loved ones. This is one of those times. Over the years, I have seen more than my share of job seekers lose their marriages, their homes, and more due to being lackadaisical. …
What’s Your New Relationship Plan for 2014?
Most successful people will agree that the trajectory of your career (or life) will be dictated by the relationships you build and the experiences you have. As 2013 comes to a close, many professionals and business owners are spending time planning out their 2014 commitments and goals. Business plans can turn into a joke as …
You’re “IT”
When I was a kid, one of the favorite games to play in the neighborhood was called “IT”. The premise of the game was a simple one. One person was “IT” and had to cover his eyes and count to twenty. During this time, the rest of the players would hide. After the “IT” person …
Strategic Networking uh err .. Strategic Relationships
Often when I talk about strategic networking, people will immediately think of networking events. Their palms will get sweaty as they would rather get a root canal surgery than walk into a room full of strangers.
I now say strategic relationships because that is what we are really creating. Also, relationships are rarely created at …
Becoming Influential and Compelling at Work
Becoming influential and compelling at work doesn’t so much have to deal with one’s looks. For instance, when a Steve Balmer or Jack Welch enter a room (neither known for being particularly handsome), their aura quickly makes them the most attractive people in the space.
Once they speak, people realize that it’s not the nice …
3 Things to Do So Your Posts Are Seen
As a business person looking to maximize on its social media endeavors, the top goal will be to get people viewing your posts. This will do by updating constantly and sharing the latest informative content. However, not every one of your posts will be seen by your audience. Even with your best efforts, some of …
Are You Missing Important Steps in Making Connections?
You’ve done the proper research on your business, set up the appropriate social media networks to reach out to your audience, and even attended a few networking events in person, probably to get your name out there. Problem is, making connections seems harder than you thought, and so far your results are not something you …
“Tell Me about Yourself” Revisited
One of the most dreaded requests job seekers struggle with while networking, and during job interviewing, is “Tell me about yourself.” As my recruiter friend Skip Freeman noted in his 2012 blog post titled Beware The ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Job Interview Question, a poor response to this request in a job interview can have …
Become an Industry Rock Star with Twitter and Instagram
One of the easiest ways to grow your following as an industry expert quickly is through leveraging social networks, specifically Twitter and Instagram, during major industry events. Are you a member of an association? Whether you’re a newbie or an association veteran, leveraging hashtags can quickly turn you into the event’s superstar.
Older, more established …
Job Search Lessons from College Football
Last week I travelled to see my alma mater play a conference game with my son’s alma mater. Although my team was a 15 point underdog, I was confident they could “beat the spread” and maybe even win the game. We decided to make a nominal wager to make it interesting!
After the kickoff, my …