Category: Networking


Networking Tips

Networking is meeting and sharing information with individuals and groups of people in your field of interest. For example, if you are looking for a job, these people include potential employers, recruiters, head hunters and HR agencies.

Networking is very easy to do if you do it right. You can network pretty much anywhere and …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Build Better Twitter Engagement for your Personal Brand

Social media is now the main source of communication for brands between their customers and leads. People today are turning to networks to leave feedback, search for information, purchase services and products, and share what they had found.

Twitter is at the top of the social engagement list, and there are several strategies you can …

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Personal Branding Blog Weekly – Work Your Networking Plan Daily

You may have already witnessed the results of networking. People with strong connections often get the inside scoop on industry information, good deals, and sometimes, the good jobs. Making connections and nurturing these relationships over time is important. Solid established networks have catapulted many careers and businesses.

Unfortunately, for many of us, networking does not …

Job SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

How to Create Better Content for Your Personal Brand

A common misconception shared by job seekers is that personal branding is “all about me.”

The reality: your personal brand is about showing your network how you can help them with your skills and expertise. Your offering as a professional is the reason why people connect and engage in conversations with you.

If you’ve spent …