Do You Want To Become An Entrepreneur In 2012?
Yesterday, a Published & Profitable member called told me he was becoming an entrepreneur in 2012, buoyed by his responses to the questions Dan Schawbel asked in Me 2.0 Revised and Updated Edition: 4 Steps to Building Your Future.
After many years in higher education, Mark decided to look beyond a “job” during 2012 and …
Personal Branding for Minorities: Shining Even Brighter
Some of us – and when we are courageous enough to speak up, we end up realizing that we are many many more that we initially think- grew up knowing that we were the odd one out in an often harsh and unwelcoming world. Or we learnt it abruptly as a result of a major …
Three Popular Misconceptions About Personal Branding
Thanks to the wonderful contributions of personal branding trailblazers such as Tom Peters, Dan Schawbel, William Arruda or Peter Montoya, personal branding has been slowly but surely entering the mainstream. Today, we can fearlessly assert that personal branding is here to stay and that millions are called to benefit from building a solid brand (using …
Values: the Backbone of Your Brand
It has become customary for reputed companies and organizations to include a statement about their professed and espoused values and policies in their webpages. From Nestlé’s ‘Creating Shared Value’ to Zara’s ‘Mission Statement’ and including ATK downloadable ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Report’, industry giants have been diligent to craft carefully-worded statements we have come to expect …
10 Accounts I Won’t Follow Back on Twitter
Twitter has been one of the key ingredients of my personal branding mix, and interacting with relevant others and adding value with my tweets the way I have sought to distinguish myself amongst the 3 million other Tweeterers in my country and gazillions elsewhere. Being included in the list of ‘70 Tweeterers that add more …
10 Reasons Why I Follow Back on Twitter
Creating a successful and influential ‘Me 2.0’ persona presupposes a strategic use of the social media. Since our objectives and goals are multifarious, it is up to each and every one of us to make a number of well-thought-out decisions in the social networks to ensure that how we want to be perceived, how we …
Welcome to the Real World
I hope that when you decide to jump off the diving board and into the personal branding pool, you are prepared to swim in the deep end. From my experience, the lifeguard is often unavailable when you find yourself struggling to keep your head above water. In my case, it was incumbent upon me to …
A Cup of Coffee to Me 2.0
I had the opportunity to interview our very own world-renowned Personal Branding Guru, Dan Schawbel, about the release of his revised #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan, October 2010).
Meet Dan Schawbel
Though Dan originally wrote Me 2.0 for Gen-Y set, the book’s audience has expanded significantly over …
Announcing the 2nd Edition of Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future!
Today, I’m excited to announce the second edition of Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future. Since I always tell people that they need to stay relevant in their industry, I figured I would update and improve my current book so it remains current and continues to support your career and business. Although many …
What Type of Personal Brand Do You Want to Develop?
Your personal branding strategy depends solely on your long-term goals. You have to brand yourself for the career you want, not the job you have. This means that how you brand yourself online is completely dependent on your chosen career path: employee, entrepreneur, and consultant. Each of these types of workers has to maintain their …