Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

Communication & NetworkingEducationLifestyle & Habit Building

Get Your Teens To Succeed: Encourage Them To Volunteer!

“It’s Cool To Be Kind” –Beth Kuhel

Best Buddies International and Friendship Circle International (FC) are not your typical volunteer organizations: Teen volunteers provide life altering friendship, companionship and mentoring for special needs children. The scope of activities is customized to the needs of the families and to the skill level of the teen volunteers. …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthSuccess Story

The Human Motivation Equation

I was reading another article on last week and was inspired by Sharmin Banu’s article on finding your own unique aspirations.

It triggered me because one of the frequent questions I‘m asked by clients and prospects is about how they can motivate employees to perform better and take more initiative on the job. My …

Career & WealthConfidence & AppearanceLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – Gambling Your Brand

Taking more risks and letting your hair down when there’s an air of anonymity because you’re some place you’ve never been or will never be again can have more than interesting consequences with our ever growing social footprint.  Our social memories are lasting. 

This has been the topic of many tweets, updates and blog posts …