Confessions Of A Casting Director: An Interview With Jen Rudin
I recently had the pleasure to sit down with Casting Director Jen Rudin, author of Confessions Of A Casting Director. Jen has over 30 years of experience in the entertainment industry and provides insight on how to help actors have better auditions and work their strengths. From the pros and cons of the acting scene …
Can the Corporate Brain Drain Be Reversed?
A few weeks ago, a close relative of mine (a Gen Xer) resigned his $130,000 a year job. He is a software architect, a profession in short supply.
Why did he resign his job? Here are a few reasons: He felt the company management was dysfunctional; the company was milking an antiquated technology; the product …
How to Have the BEST Jobs Find You!
Wouldn’t it be GREAT if you could have a steady stream of up-to-date, current and relevant information about jobs, really good jobs, as well as information about the people doing the actual hiring, coming directly to you on a regular basis? Well, there is indeed a way you can do precisely that, by setting up …
You, Steve Carell, Will Ferrell, and Seth Rogen?
“We made up all our lines,” Seth Rogen remembered of Apatow’s 2005 flick, “The 40-Year-Old-Virgin.” A lot of the stuff was just us talking to each other and trying to make each other laugh, knowing that we had the freedom to say whatever we wanted. It looks very natural, because we honestly didn’t know what …
Questions To Ask Before Starting Your Own Business
Everyone loves the idea of becoming their own boss but unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for becoming an entrepreneur. According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. As you can see from the statistics, becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy path. Therefore, you should consider …
Digital Branding For The Job Seeker Part 2
In 1999, four Internet visionaries sat down and formulated 95 theses (referring to Martin Luther’s manifesto which gave rise to the Protestant Reformation) which accurately predicted the vast changes the web would bring to companies, markets and consumers.
Now referred to as the Cluetrain Manifesto, the then heavily scrutinized paper declared that the consumer would …
Sell Your Value Gain Respect
Are you obtaining your worth in fees and services provided?
In order to reach your ultimate vision, it is necessary to know where your strengths and weaknesses reside. The painful piece is to focus on strengthening those weak areas. And it may require further education in terms of self-study or hiring someone to mentor …
Are You a Lame Career Seeker?
I spoke recently to a group of approximately 40 job seekers who were alumni of a well respected and nationally ranked major university. They interacted well, asked questions, and seemed genuinely interested in the topic. I volunteered my time free of charge and made several offers of help to this audience. That’s the good news.…
How to Use Double Time to Increase Successful Outcomes
Double Time may not mean what you think it means.
Most people think of double time to mean do things twice as fast. Which is what it means if you are in the military. However, in this case I’m suggesting a way for you to increase the likelihood of a successful outcomes. In this case …
10 Factors to Weigh When Defining Your DREAM Job
Ask most people to define what their DREAM job would look like and you’re likely to get answers such as these:
“I would make more money and get a significant promotion.” “I would work for a company that gives me considerably more responsibility and authority and my skills and talents would be genuinely appreciated. “My…