A Cup of Coffee to Relevancy
It’s time to grab your cup of coffee and spend 30 minutes on some solid – but easy – action items that will make a difference to your personal online brand. As you add your cream and sugar, reflect on the general purpose of building a brand: to establish credibility and visibility in order to …
You Did WHAT at Your Interview?!
I recently heard a story about a complete failure of a job interview. The person had strong experience and a passion for the industry, but once in the door for an interview, it all went down hill. After requesting a tour of the office during the interview, this person made attempts to speak with senior …
Are You Making These 5 Personal Branding Mistakes?
There are plenty of “must-dos” for personal branding — things like how Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can help you land a job or grow your business when used correctly. But are you aware of the “don’ts” you might be doing?
Over-communicatingNot every platform is the right one for communicating your message. Sending inappropriate or …
Where do I Find Success?
Hi, I’m Martin Yate, the guy that writes the Knock em Dead books.
They say that to write a book, all you need is the complete lack of a social life; well I’ve published 12, so what does that tell you? I live and breathe this stuff and obviously have no social life.
Mondays from …
The Age of Resistance is Upon Us
We are living in a very different world than we were a few years ago. We are now inundated with so much content and advertising, across so many media streams, that we’ve started to become resistant. We are opting out of email newsletters, unsubscribing to magazines and newspapers, unfollowing on Twitter, de-friending on Facebook, and …
Personal Branding Interview #2: Susan Gunelius
Today, I spoke to Susan Gunelius, who is the President & CEO of Keysplash Creative, the author of Blogging All-in-One For Dummies, and a columnist for Forbes.com and Entrepreneur.com. This is a follow-up interview to the one I had with Susan at the end of 2009. In this interview, Susan talks about the current state …
A Cup of Coffee to Your Personal Brand
Whether you desire a new job, a pay increase, or a competitive edge in the marketplace, you need a killer online presence, proof of your expertise, and a personal brand that reflects you as an industry insider with a marketable skill set. But, taking these concepts and turning them into something real and usable can …
Personal Branding Interview: Chris Guillebeau
Today, I spoke to Chris Guillebeau, who is the author of Art of Non-Conformity (Perigree) and his blog by the same name. He’s writes for CNN, BusinessWeek, The Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and the Oregonian newspaper. In this interview, Chris talks about some convential beliefs that aren’t true, his opinion on living life on your …
Examples of Entrepreneur Blog Posts
In my last post on PersonalBrandingBlog, I discussed the different ways entrepreneurs can use Personal Branding to help them in the job search. One of the items I suggested was for entrepreneurs to start a blog as a tool to help further showcase their skill-set and ability.
Begin a blog.
You’re an entrepreneur! You enjoy …
3 Lessons for Millennials
I read and hear a lot about the “changing generations” and how the mixture of Web 2.0 and the Millennial market are going to change the way we do business. Many young people these days want to trade the fancy car for a hybrid, the corner office for a group table and the desktop for …