12 Survival Principles For Career and Business Success
“These are times that try men’s soul’s. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.” – Thomas Paine, from The Crisis …
Video Killed the Job Seeker’s Chances
“Video Killed the Radio Star” led the charts in 1979 as the debut album for The Buggles and was the first music video shown on MTV at 12:01a.m. on August 1st, 1981. Video has now turned it’s destructive nature on unsuspecting job search candidates looking to amp up their brand with hot technology in hopes …
Incorporating Time Tested Tactics Into a New Age Game
When thinking of ways to positively position yourself long-term at a company, agency, or firm, it’s overwhelmingly obvious that you need to think outside the box when going about your duties. Supervisors certainly like to see fresh ideas and a streak of independence in their workers. The only thing they like to see more is …
Taking Credit When None is Due
During the debt ceiling negotiations, among the punked-style news: a Tea Party leader touted a “massive rally” on behalf of that group (at which less than 2 dozen people actually showed up). He claimed the majority of Americans supported his party’s position because “the phones were lit up and the government websites melted down,” (once …
How Indispensible Are You?
How do you become indispensable?
What kind of experience do want customers to have with you and your business?
The impact of customer retention is felt in 3 ways according to the Small Business Administration.
1) Profitability: 5-20% more expensive to find a new customer than to keep one.
2) Revenue: just 5% more retention …
Leverage Everything
Two weeks ago, I spoke at another event for Bloomberg TV, in conjunction with Brighthouse Networks in Detroit, Michigan. Bloomberg is my #1 client as a professional speaker. Before the event, I did a short TV interview with WDIV, the local NBC affiliate. That was the first television interview I have done as an author …
Winning Face-to-Face Interview by ‘Leading the Witness’
In “‘Headhunter’ Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever!” I make the following statement, right up front, in the Introduction & Overview:
“. . . as we enter the new decade, there actually are two sets of rules being used to play the (hiring) game:
The old rules…What Do Your Online Photos Say About Your Brand?
The photos you choose to represent your online brand are important. After all, your profile picture across various networking websites is often the first impression others get of you!
Whether you’re on the job search or looking to grow in your career, it’s vital that your online photos reflect the brand you’re building or maintaining. …
The Power of No
In the current debate on whether to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, you are seeing a perfect example of the power of NO, and how that one word defines the personal brands of people who use it to mean, “No. Absolutely not. Not now. Not ever. Uh-uh.”
Al Dunlap – a famous corporate takeover king …
One Resume Change That Will Significantly Increase Your Results
Remember the days of black and white TV? What about when couples read the newspaper over their morning coffee rather than flipping the virtual pages of the WSJ app on their iPads? Those days have passed, at least for most of us (my mom still watches black and white TV) and so has the resume …