Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Does Your Personal Brand Speak The Right Language?

Language is everything.

It sends subtle messages about your attitude, your intelligence, your background and even your motivations. Yet, its not something that we always think about changing, so its often sub-optimal.

Our personal brands often speak the wrong language.

This really struck me when speaking with a client of mine, Elizabeth. She is looking …

write at every opportunity; bio
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Writing Your Personal Brand Bio When You Change Careers

How do you redefine yourself professionally when you’ve spent several years getting it down pat the first time?

Timothy Brandt posed that question — sort of — to me and my Branding Yourself co-author Kyle Lacy last week on Twitter.

How can I start my IT bio when I received experiences from business positions?

For …

Career & WealthEducationLifestyle & Habit Building

You Should Learn to Code

Many readers of this blog are great businesspeople.  Entrepreneurs who started from scratch and built something profitable, and successful professionals that are integral cogs in their company’s machine.

We’re masters of social media.  Blogging.  SEO (get me some links!), paid traffic, promoting ourselves online and off.

But I’m willing to wager big that few of …