Does Your Personal Brand Speak The Right Language?
Language is everything.
It sends subtle messages about your attitude, your intelligence, your background and even your motivations. Yet, its not something that we always think about changing, so its often sub-optimal.
Our personal brands often speak the wrong language.
This really struck me when speaking with a client of mine, Elizabeth. She is looking …
15 Questions To Test Your Hostility Level
Answer these questions (honestly – no one will know but you):
1. An office mate eats a sandwich with a whole lot of onions
a. I consider his odor might increase my chances for a promotion
b. I consider telling him he’s stinking up the place
2. My IT consultant leaves after fixing my computer …

Writing Your Personal Brand Bio When You Change Careers
How do you redefine yourself professionally when you’ve spent several years getting it down pat the first time?
Timothy Brandt posed that question — sort of — to me and my Branding Yourself co-author Kyle Lacy last week on Twitter.
How can I start my IT bio when I received experiences from business positions?
For …
20 Questions Smart Employees Ask Themselves
These 20 questions cover five key areas that are critical to your accurately evaluating how well you’re doing at work. Your answers (or score) predict whether you’re likely to be promoted, fired or kept simmering in the same spot for years to come.
Score each question on a scale of 1-10 (10 = AWESOME). Add …
You Should Learn to Code
Many readers of this blog are great businesspeople. Entrepreneurs who started from scratch and built something profitable, and successful professionals that are integral cogs in their company’s machine.
We’re masters of social media. Blogging. SEO (get me some links!), paid traffic, promoting ourselves online and off.
But I’m willing to wager big that few of …
Your Personal Brand: Answer the WHY!
This is Part 3 of a 4-part series on Why Your Personal Brand Needs a Mindset Shift. You can read the other posts in this series here: Part One: Your Personal Brand Needs a Mindset Shift Part Two: Normal is Not Enough — and make sure to check back next week for the final post!
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
If I had one wish that could be fulfilled by every job candidate I see, it’s that he or she would want to earn a million dollars a year, plus bonuses. I’ve asked lots of other business owners and they seem to agree that there’s one quality sorely missing from job seekers. That quality is …
College or Career: Smart Gen Z Choices
How often are you impressed by someone to the point you want to go the extra mile to make a difference in their life? That’s what happened when I met 21-year old Lauren of LN Accents at the WGN Studios in December. She was just 19 years old when she began LN Accents, which has …
Your Personal Brand: Normal is Not Enough!
This is Part 2 of a 4-part series on Why Your Personal Brand Needs a Mindset Shift. You can find the first installment here. Check back next week for our next section on why your personal brand is not about you.
You’ve probably heard the adage “Dress for the job you want, not the …
One Word Guarantees They’ll Say Yes
There is one word that will undoubtedly get you on the way to that job interview, or a meeting with a prospect or referral source – even a potential investor. This magical word will work for you when you use it in person, on the phone, in an email subject line, a text or a …