Category: Job Search

Social Media For Leads
Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentSocial Media

Social Media Mistakes Candidates Make During Job Search

Social media can both advance and hinder your career depending on how you use it. Most of the recruiters admit that they look at candidates’ social media profiles before making their decision. Therefore, you have to be careful about how you use social media and who can see your posts. You probably don’t want to …

Interview Best Practices
Career ResourcesJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitment

The Foundation of Charismatic Interviewing

The most effective interviewees know how to engage a hiring manager or recruiter with candid, interesting conversation. There is a charisma and confidence to them that draws others into their way of thinking.

Their influential abilities resonate throughout both their professional and personal life. This includes those with whom they interview.

Specifically, charismatic interviewees are …

Job Search

Bad Hires Are Expensive

Bad hires are expensive  based on an interesting survey performed by CareerBuilder revealed that 41 percent of companies estimate that a bad hire costs more than $25,000; 25 percent of companies said a bad hire costs more than $50,000. And the higher the position, the higher those numbers become. Besides such costs, which are extraordinarily …

Online Education
Communication & NetworkingInterviewJob Search

15 Questions Sales Professional Should Be Prepared To Answer

Each year, more sales professionals lose potential employment opportunities because they are ill prepared for the interview than they do for any other reason – that includes being unqualified, unintelligent or incapable.

As a sales candidate, chances are that you have great ideas and a clear vision. Unfortunately, if you can’t convey that vision in …