Should I Play It Safe or Stand Out?
Job seekers have to make a decision, whether they recognize it or not.
Do you play it safe or stand out and be one-of-a-kind?Advice tends to fall squarely into one category or the other – and both sides think that they are right. On one hand, you hear that you have to follow directions …
Do You Have a Résumé or a ‘Job Description’?
Editor’s Note: This blog is a modified excerpt from professional “headhunter” and bestselling job-hunting book author Skip Freeman’s next book in the “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets series of job-hunting books, CAREER STALLED? How to Get Your Career Back in ‘High Gear’ and Land the Job You Deserve─Your Dream Job. Publication is scheduled for early 2013.
Getting The Most From Recruiters In Your Job Search
As an active job seeker, you’re likely ready and willing to pull out all of your resources to find a job. While working with a recruiter should be one of those tactics to use in your job search, it’s difficult to understand how to best use recruiters to your advantage.
In essence, recruiters work closely …
Cover Letters – Poor Choice For Job Seeker Branding
Most job seekers use cover letters to try to differentiate themselves, but cover letters are a lousy way to differentiate yourself as a job seeker today.
Your personal brand is the first impression you give to readers.
Your personal brand is used to decide if you’re qualified or not. TheLadders’ heat mapping study of how …
Three Tricks to Get Your Email Opened
We all know that getting over the inbox hurdle can be a challenge. Whether you are trying to land an informational interview, a sales call or a job interview, getting your email opened is the first step to success.
The challenge is that people routinely get dozens – even hundreds – of emails in their …
10 Things You Must Know About Getting the Interview!
Power up your networking, resumes and interviews: GET HIRED!
In order to hook and reel in your dream job, you’ll need to first get your foot in the door for the interview and then make a great impression so you tip the hiring scale in your favor and get the job offer. So let’s discuss …
There’s an App for That: Apps for Job Seekers
These days, there seems to be a mobile app for absolutely everything, and job seekers have not been forgotten. Search “jobs” in the Android or iTunes stores and you can spend hours browsing through the hundreds of apps that have been developed to promote jobs, give advice, and prepare you for the interview.
Below are …
Preparing for a Layoff, Hostess Style
By now you’ve probably heard about Hostess’ liquidation, as many are mourning over the apparent “death” of their beloved Twinkies and Wonder Bread. Although we may yet see our favorite indestructible snacks find a home with a new company, what will become of Hostess’ workers?
Most of Hostess’ 18,500 employees have lost their jobs, throwing …
Branding Value vs Skills
Most of us brand our skills when creating a resume.
We brand our skills because that’s what we were taught to do.
Up until 2007, employers searched for skills because there was a shortage of skilled candidates from the 1940’s until 2007 … So employers searched for skills.
Since employers searched for skills, we were …
Use Your Personal Brand, Find the Job
Typically, when job seekers embark upon their job search, they’ll focus on the resume. A logical first step, right? Not really.
It is true that you do need a resume for networking and applying to jobs. But a truly powerful and effective job search is a by-product of understanding how to successfully market and promote …