Angry? Frustrated? Recruiters Want to Know!
When a hiring manager, recruiter, investor or potential partner asks you how you handle frustration and anger: what will you say? Of course, I recommend the truth, so you might have to be really picky about the example you choose to share.
After all, you’re not being asked about every instance where you lost your …
Curating Your Career by Creating a Career Scrapbook
What the heck is curating your career?
Curating your career is collecting information, maybe projects you were involved with, awards you won, campaigns you created and putting it all together in one place in a way that lets people visually comprehend what your career has been about. It’s a little like keeping a scrapbook. You …
Talking Money: Job Offer Negotiations Part 2
Last week a client called with the good news that they had received a good job offer from one of their most desirable employers. They were excited. I was happy, too. After getting beyond the (premature) celebration, my thoughts immediately turned to the next critical step in our process together: closing the deal!
In my …
The Psychology of Finding a Job
To start with, I must make an important disclaimer. I am not a psychologist but a career coach. I don’t find it surprising that there is much in common between the two professions, and I have lots of stories to prove it. If you happen to be in transition, you may want to understand the …
How Unemployment Affects Your Personal Brand
Being labeled “unemployed” is a unsettling, but unfortunately, it’s still a harsh reality for many people as we approach 2014. More than seven percent of people in the United States fall into this category.
When you’re unemployed, you need to do everything you can to keep yourself motivated in your job search. You need to …
Why You Need to Include Soft Skills on Your Resume
International Talent Management Strategist Dorothy Dalton recently wrote a compelling blog post: “The Hard Truth About Soft Skills,” which absolutely nails the value of soft skills in a career story resume.
Dalton describes how resumes that come to her attention often do so based on the “high incidence of hard skills in the text,” but …
Finding Keywords to Manage Your Career
How do you know which keywords you should be using in your LinkedIn profile and other social media profiles?
Everyone talks about keywords but how do you find them?The keywords you want to use are those keywords that recruiters and hiring managers are using in LinkedIn and Google searches.
First, what are the keywords …
Resume Tips – Brand and Land
It’s common knowledge that we all spend what would seem to be ‘light-years’ painstakingly preparing our resumes only to find out that the initial review is about 10 seconds before the reviewer either dumps it in the ‘no thanks’ pile or the ‘maybe’ pile…ouch!
So, what is it that can make or break that first …
The Culture, Stupid
In 1992, James Carville, working as a strategist for Bill Clinton (the Democratic Presidential Nominee), coined the campaign strategy phrase “The economy, stupid.” He was attempting to focus the campaign staff on the most crucial themes of the election. This phrase was meant for internal ears, however the words eventually made their way into mainstream …
Talking Money: Job Offer Negotiations Part 1
In my previous post (Talking Money: It’s All About the Benjamins!), we discussed general principles for compensation, when to anticipate that such discussions could crop up, and ways for handling typical questions such as “What are your compensation expectations?” That information will provide you tools for handling money discussions during most of the job interview …