How Diversity in Your Career Can Get You Hired
In today’s economy, workers often switch jobs frequently, and even re-invent entire careers. But if your resume includes jobs in a number of industries or professions, does that signal to potential employers that you’re good at many things—or good at none? A jack of all trades or a dilettante? Employers often say they want flexible …
How Personal Social Media Brands Can Help Job Searches
The days of building a reputation offline have become a thing of the past. Today many employers are looking for candidates who are active online and in social media. As a job seeker you will want to effectively utilize these tools to build your personal brand and project an image that demonstrates your skills, knowledge, …
On Social Media, You Are the Company You Keep
Are you wondering how to best balance personal and professional business connections on social media? If your personal connections are in stark contrast to your personal brand for business, the answer may be that you cannot.
According to, over 65 percent of employers check social media profiles as part of the job screening process. …
Better Resumes Equal Better Career Results
Last week I was asked to qualify candidates to be presented to an employer who needed to hire someone. I proceeded to review 200 resumes over a period of three hours. The result? I found five people who, on initial review, seemed to meet the qualifications of the job. That’s an average of about one …
For Those in a Job Transition, Not Knowing Hurts the Most
As a career coach who sees people in transition every day, I’ve concluded that the single biggest obstacle for people in transition is not knowing what they don’t know regarding what it takes to win that fierce competition for getting a decent job.
I don’t intend to blame anyone; I’m merely pointing out the fact. …
4 Tips For Worry-Free Webcam Interviewing
If a company said 15 years ago that they conducted interviews remotely through a camera in your computer, you would have thought you were applying to Hogwarts.
Now, webcam interviewing is becoming a mainstream method of recruiting — saving employers both time and money while still giving them (almost) all the information they need to …
What Good Networkers Do… and Don’t Do
Are you a good networker, or a bad networker? Do people who can help you look forward to meeting with you, or dread it? Do you tend to get what you want, or are you frustrated with your networking results? This article will give you lots of do’s and don’ts to consider for improving your …
Do You Have That Spark in Your Eyes?
Itzhak Perlman was recently interviewed by Charlie Rose, who asked Perlman what he looks for when selecting those few special Juilliard School students he wishes to work with. Years before, he himself was a student at Juilliard. “Is it skills or talent?” Rose asked. Perlman’s answer was that talent is not easily defined and that …
Greener Grass? – Leave for the Right Reasons
So there can be many benefits to switching jobs. Moving to another company is likely to bring you a bigger and quicker raise and perhaps an opportunity for promotion. And many people find it stimulating and refreshing to periodically take on new challenges, new surroundings, and new colleagues. There’s an excitement about changing jobs that …
5 Questions to Ask Before Going from For-Profit to Non-Profit
For-profit to non-profit?
I am approached frequently by baby boomers on whether they should make the leap from the For-Profit world to the Non-Profit world.
The answer is almost always maybe.
I have had a tumultuous but successful career over the last decade and a half. Going from a large corporation to a successful high …