Category: Job Search

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

4 Ways Social Media Can Blend Personal Brand and Job Search

In your job search, having a great personal brand is a wildly understated way to stand out and better your chances of getting hired.

Social media can be used as a catalyst that bridges the gap between personal brand and job search. According to Jobvite, 94 percent of recruiters use (or plan to use) social …

Career & WealthJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Perfect Your Recruiting in 5 “Little” Steps

After running a headhunting firm for more than a decade, I have learned two very important things: 1) recruiting quality talent is often more complex than most assume and 2) the words “too small” should never be in a recruiter’s vocabulary because it’s the little things that separate a headhunter’s ability to recruit the right …

Job SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Present Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn for Job Searches

When it comes to presenting your personal brand to employers you might miss the opportunity to create a stellar LinkedIn profile. It’s not enough to just add your relevant information – it is critical  to write an online profile that stands out in addition to showcasing your accomplishments and skills.

So what is the best …

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

How To Convince Others That You’re An Innovator

Innovation has been a buzz word for a while now – and it’s one of those hurdles you must surmount if you’re looking for a job.  Employers want creative employees. Investors want to put their money behind creative people.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers found that employers overwhelmingly look for problem solving skills …