Best Questions to Ask Employers During Interviews
Employers should not be the only one asking questions during interviews. You should also be asking questions as a candidate to determine if the job fits your career goals. In addition, asking the right questions help you stand out among other candidates because it shows your interest to the position.
Below are some questions that …
LinkedIn Endorsements Updated – FINALLY!
Many of you have grown tired of being prompted to endorse your connections. Many of you have also grown tired of getting LinkedIn endorsements from people you have never worked with or getting LinkedIn endorsements for skills that you do not have like underwater basket weaving. (I do know of someone who received this endorsement). …
7 Lunches College Seniors Should Be Booking!
As college seniors count down the days of their traditional educational career, they should be counting how many influential lunches they have on the books. As the class of 2014 preps by accepting job offers and getting sized for their cap and gown, they should be willing to make a small investment in time and …
Get Hired: How to Appear More Confident
When applying for a job today, it’s essential to appear confident in your communications with the hiring manager. Everyone knows that “looking the part” is important. That’s why job seekers wear nice clothes, style their hair professionally and obsess over the design of resumes.
But even when they’re fixating on details such as the style …
LinkedIn Is the Key to Your Next Job
If you’re in transition and looking for a job or you contemplate changing jobs, there’s nothing more powerful than learning how to be efficient at using the power of LinkedIn. Being listed on LinkedIn is a must. A study by Microsoft revealed that 70 percent of employers have rejected job candidates because of information they …
How to Stand Out in a Group Interview
You finally get the interview with your dream company. On the interview day, you dress to impress and go to the interview location with full confidence. However, when you get into the interview room, there is a surprise for you. There are a bunch of other candidates waiting to interview for the same position as …
Make Sure You Understand the Company’s Personal Brand
Last week I wrote about the questions you will likely get asked in an interview. This week I’m suggesting the questions that you could and should be asking in the interview:
• What kind of person do you want for this position?
• What’s important about the person you hire?
• How many people have …
Why Shrinking Your Resume Can Hurt You
Have you ever visited a friend who regaled you with their 50-page wedding album or 30-minute DVD of a European vacation? Perhaps they had you crouch over their computer while linking to Facebook posts and images so they could enthuse over their latest accomplishment? How difficult is it to sit still as they narrate each …
Get Hired: Make Yourself Shine In Your Interview
Everyone wants to stand out in the crowd to get hired, but few people know what hiring managers are looking for and what it takes to shine in an interview. Hiring managers are looking for certain personality traits. If you have them great, if not you can learn them.
A recent Harvard …
Five Reasons Your Attitude Is Hurting Your Career
This post is about trying to help you, not about criticizing you. Please consider it in that light.
Your attitude is one of the most important factors in creating your long-term career happiness. As noted in the first chapter of my career book, “Attitude is important in landing a job, keeping a job, and being …