Category: Job Search

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Résumé Keywords Are the Keys to Be Found

Most of the résumés employers receive, either as hard copies or that are uploaded electronically, reside in databases. If those databases were in graphic form, each résumé would resemble a lonely tombstone in a cemetery. In the majority of cases, submitting résumés is futile because they get resurrected only if they include keywords—specifically, those keywords …

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

The Interview Process Needs to Be Understood

Many interviewers don’t know how to interview, and the majority of candidates are not sufficiently prepared for the test. Because that situation is a given, a candidate can improve the chances for hire by better understanding the interview process itself and the emotional aspects of the interview.

Conversely from what our instinct might tell us, …

Job SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

How to Create Better Content for Your Personal Brand

A common misconception shared by job seekers is that personal branding is “all about me.”

The reality: your personal brand is about showing your network how you can help them with your skills and expertise. Your offering as a professional is the reason why people connect and engage in conversations with you.

If you’ve spent …