Category: Job Search

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Fed Chair Yellen’s Job Market Remarks: A Recruiter’s Perspective

In remarks made recently to a Central Banking Conference meeting in Jackson Hole, WY, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen attributed at least some of the persistent unemployment/underemployment woes in today’s job market to the fact that the market continues to be “hampered” (emphasis mine) by the lingering effects of the Great Recession.

A few of …

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Writing a Perfect Resume Regardless of College Major

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard some variation of the phrase, “I majored in _______, therefore I feel my career options are limited.”

That statement is not only illogical, but it couldn’t be further from reality.  Regardless of what it says on your degree, you could and should still relentlessly pursue your …

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Does Your Personality Mesh with Your Career?

Personality Mesh with Your Career?

Your personality is a key factor in finding happiness in your career. Unfortunately, when we make our initial career choices, we may ignore certain key traits or just focus on where we can make the most money.

Kinetic Programmer

I learned to program computers in high school in the early …

Career & WealthJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

‘Death by Interview’—What it can Cost YOUR Company

While the overall unemployment rate is definitely showing steady improvement, millions of men and women still are having trouble landing a job, or at least landing one in a timely manner. One primary reason for this is that some companies continue to drag out the entire interview process beyond any reasonable limits and then take …