10 Best Job Search Tips
The word best in the title should be interpreted as a recommendation. Please also keep in mind that job search by someone who is employed differs significantly from job search by someone who is unemployed. The latter is, typically, more motivated, the person can devote more time to it, and the unemployed job seeker’s actions …
Why We Hate Interns
With 16 years of teaching at the executive level of business at several major universities, I have had my fill of students asking me to arrange internships for them. It’s one of the oddest parts of teaching, in fact. The reason it’s so strange for students to ask me to place them in an internship? …
Stuck in Your Career?
Next step in your career
Many of my clients say they feel suffocated in their careers. For whatever reason, they do not like the profession they have chosen for themselves: they feel they’re poorly fit for their careers, and they dislike everything associated with their jobs, their companies, and their bosses. So, the question is, …
How to Sell Yourself in an Interview Without Bragging
The overwhelming majority of job applicants realize the importance of selling themselves during an interview and they’re correct. It’s imperative to leave any meeting with a prospective employer or recruiting professional firmly believing in your competence, ability to do the tasks at hand as well as fit in with their corporate culture.
Not only does …
How Job Seekers With Disabilities Can Beat Discrimination
It’s no secret the deck is already stacked against people with disabilities. Tasks most take for granted — things as simple as climbing the stairs to get to our favorite restaurant, for example, or taking advantage of public transportation — are orders of magnitude more difficult for those of us who, through no fault of …
6 Things To Think About Before You Start Your Job Hunt
You’ve spent the last three months searching for a job and company that not only interests you, but that you’re confident you can excel in. Unfortunately, you’ve only been able to find one or the other.
Finding the right job fit isn’t always easy. The job search can be a painstakingly long process defined by …