Category: Interview

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewPodcastsRelationships & Personal Growth

Derrick Kwa Interviews Me – The Youngest of the Personal Brand’ers


The interview lasted for about 40 minutes and the rest can be found on his blog that he just redesigned.  Derrick is 17 years old, therefore he is the youngest personal brand’er I know!

Info on Derrick:

“Born in 16 December 1990, in Singapore. I’m just an average guy, trying to forge his own …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewPRRelationships & Personal Growth

An Interview with Tiffany Monhollon on Personal PR

Through Personal Branding, I’ve gotten to meet some amazing young stars. One of the most prominent and resourceful is Tiffany Monhollon, who writes the Personal PR column and has just started a blog on that very topic. Today, I interviewed her concerning this topic to give you a better view of how important it is. …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewRelationships & Personal Growth

Brand yourself as a teacher – An interview with Gary Gil, CEO of

Today, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Gary Gil. Gary Gil is the Founder & CEO of, a new website that allows you to teach online courses on any subject, share information, collaborate and learn from other experts. Gary is also a great networker (as I met him through Facebook) and an overall …

InterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingmagazineRelationships & Personal Growthtv

The Future of Recruitment: Exclusive Interview with Jim Buttimer, COO of


Watch as I discuss video resumes and the future of recruitment with the brand behind, Jim Buttimer.  CareerTV is the world’s first interactive TV website to help college students and young professionals find successful careers within the world’s top companies.  As the COO, Jim has developed the architecture behind, with a focus …

Communication & NetworkingFuturesInterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingmagazineNetworkingNewsPodcastsPositioningProject ManagementRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Managementtv

Announcing The Next Generation of Personal Branding Online

Over the course of the past 6 months, I have consumed every piece of knowledge on Personal Branding. I’ve been a product of Personal Branding as well as a spokesman on the subject. I decided after all of my ventures to build an example of what all Personal Brand websites should look like now and …

Communication & NetworkingInterviewNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Interview: Roger Loh and his new book on network marketing

This week I held a special interview with Roger Loh, author of his first book “Network Marketing Secrets Revealed.” I had the pleasure of contributing two pages on Personal Branding to his book as well. Roger, who I consider a leader in Network Marketing, has been a figurehead in his residence in Singapore. I had …