An Interview From Hell with the Famous TuckerMax
Recently, I interviewed TuckerMax and it was hell! I actually learned a lot from Mr. Tucker and you will too if you read this interview. He’s not about products or services, but about being his transparent self. The result is that he is a bestselling author, movie producer, blogger, and business owner. Not too many …
Get Schooled on Professional Copywriting for Your Personal Brand
Today I interviewed Jon Wuebben, who is an expert in website copywriting. It is a very important topic today because SEO is how we position our own brands in search engines, so we’re found. Before you even start writing a blog post, you need to think of an SEO strategy. This means that you must …
A Lesson in Mobile Branding From Leading Expert Rick Mathieson
I’ve been very interested in mobile branding for the past year and got the chance to speak with Rick Mathieson about the topic today. He is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about mobile branding and I certainly learned a lot. I’ve blogged about this topic a few times already. This interview serves as a great resource …
Millennials Are Taking Over the Workplace – Is HR Prepared?
I told everyone on Twitter last night that I would not be blogging today, but I had a slight change of heart. I got my interview questions from Lisa Orrell back just in time to post them and have content readily available to you. Lisa is also announcing her new MySpace blog for millennials seeking …
Interview with David Meerman Scott About All Things Social Media
Today I interview David Meerman Scott, who gives us insight on why we all have to be content creators and actually listen to our audience before we take action. I hope you have enjoyed this interview series and feel free to leave a comment or email me if you are interested in a particular personal …
Strong Personal Brands Learn How to Bounce Back
Today I interviewed Barry Moltz about entrepreneurship and how to bounce back after having a business failure. He believes that you can’t always learn from failures. That sometimes failures just suck! On a side note, I respect every single author who has written a book. It’s quite the process and I’ll be blogging about it …
Interview with Guy Kawasaki aka the Godfather of Silicon Valley
Guy Kawasaki is one of the original Apple employees responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984. He is currently CEO of Garage Technology Ventures, a venture capital firm which specializes in high-technology start-up firms located in Silicon Valley. Guy has been quite entrepreneurial as of the past few years, first with Truemors (a gossip news …
Interview with the #1 Branding Expert on the Planet: Rob Frankel
Today, I interviewed Rob Frankel. Rob has managed to seize spot #1 in Google for “branding expert” and his blog is #3, which is extraordinary. I’m on page 2 and hope one day to be as successful as Rob. You might have seen him on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams or on FOX with …
Exclusive Interview with the Queen of Web 2.0: Gina Trapani
Today, I interviewed Gina Trapani, who was featured in issue 3 of Personal Branding Magazine. She is always a delight to speak with and is as resourceful as they get.
Gina Trapani is a tech writer and web developer based in San Diego, California by way of Brooklyn, New York. She is the lead editor …
Schawbel Report: The Current State of Personal Branding [July 2008]
A lot has happened since the last time I posted a “Schawbel Report” on the state of personal branding worldwide. The March edition shed some light into the spread of personal branding from the US to Australia to India. There is a lot of information here, but it’s all very important to your personal brand …