Are You Blaming Self for Being Unemployed?
Recently, while looking around LinkedIn, I came across an article that intrigued me. It was about a book titled Flawed System/Flawed Self, written by Ofer Sharone, who taught at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, where he was assistant professor of work and employment research. I ordered the book and found it amazing. The author digs …

Why Are They Asking These Interview Questions?
People sometimes feel they did not do their best at their job interview. This has several reasons. First, in general, most people do not prepare sufficiently for that oral test commonly known as the job interview. They simply don’t know how to. But because of their past successes at landing jobs, they feel that that …

How Not Feeling Nervous When Interviewing
Most if not all people feel nervous before and during a job interview. For the past several years, I’ve been helping people prepare for job interviews. I’m also a very experienced interviewer, but recently, when asked to be on a radio talk show, I went through the same emotions and nervousness as all my clients …

Being Fired Is Like a Divorce . . .
Being fired is like a divorce and based on today’s statistics, that doesn’t sound good. So many articles cover the fact that 50% of all marriages in America end in divorce. Interestingly enough, other articles say 50% of all hires are bad hires. Might there be a correlation between the two? I think there is. …

Three Questions Every Interviewee MUST Be Ready to Answer
Interviews are stressful.
You never know what to expect.
But, you SHOULD expect these three questions.
Or at least some variation of them.
Be Prepared or Else
I suggest you be ready to answer the following three questions. They may not be asked in this same way, but some variation of them will (eventually) be …

Why You Were Not Called Back After the Interview
I am a career coach specializing in the interview process. Recently, I was approached by a company for help in improving its interviewing practices. Toward that end, I prepared the necessary instructional material. But because it’s a first for me, I thought that—before I go live with it, and to see how it would go—it …

So, How Did Your Interview Go?
In several of my previous blogs, I alluded to the known fact of the huge disconnect between a candidate and an interviewer(s). The candidate has been preparing for this major event for a while—and with fervor—and anticipates that the event will result in a job offer. This is the interview that could change the candidate’s …

Using LWL to Get Ahead
How often do you Listen?
Really Listen?
Before taking action?
It Can Be Hard
I know from personal experience that it can be hard not to jump to conclusions, not to leap forward with assumptions, and to not try and prescribe before diagnosing.
Stop. At least for one conversation today … stop.
Then … Listen. …

15 Questions Sales Professional Should Be Prepared To Answer
Each year, more sales professionals lose potential employment opportunities because they are ill prepared for the interview than they do for any other reason – that includes being unqualified, unintelligent or incapable.
As a sales candidate, chances are that you have great ideas and a clear vision. Unfortunately, if you can’t convey that vision in …

How to Interview by Talking about the Future . . .
. . . But first, what do you know and understand about the future? The average person born in the latter years of the baby boom (1957–64) has held 11 jobs from age 18 years to 46, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That trend indicates that in the future, the velocity at …