Are You Branding Your Competencies, Characteristics and Intangibles?
The job post of today reads something like this:
20 year company seeking sales professional with 5 years of a proven sales success in increasing new business, expanding sales territory, categories of new business, increase existing account spending, displays a high level of loyalty, plays and works well with others, is a creative thinker, entrepreneurial …
Stop Selling Yourself. Start Playing It Cool.
Q&A With Pete Leibman, Author of “I Got My Dream Job and So Can You”
“Dear Pete: I’m in the middle of a job search, and a friend just referred me to someone who works for one of my target companies. Should I include my resume and cover letter when I contact this person?”
Pete’s …
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
When it comes to personal branding, you can invest all the time and effort you want in to creating well-worded profiles, resumes, cover letters, and “About Me” websites, but if you don’t back up your written communications with constructive interactions, all of that work will be for nothing.
Your personal brand is best developed through …
5 Sales Techniques to Get Hired
Have you ever had a job that you wished you had not accepted?
The follow-up question is, did you take the time to analyze if signs were present that you chose to ignore?
Poor job selection happens to the best sometimes, but it is from these lessons that repeat scenarios may be avoided. Consider the …
How Non-Communicators Can Showcase Communication Skills
Unless you work in a communications field (i.e., journalism, public relations, marketing), it can be hard to showcase the oh-so-important communication skills employers look for. You might not have links to hundreds of blog posts you’ve written. For example, graphic designers often have little cause to demonstrate their superior writing skills, yet employers still want …
Personal Branding Interview: Adam Gilbert
I recently spoke to Adam Gilbert, who is a nationally recognized health, fitness and motivational expert and trainer. He is the Founder and Chief Body Tutor of MyBodyTutor, a company he created to help people stop making excuses when it comes to health and fitness, by providing daily and personal accountability like no other company …
Do You Have Any Questions? Preparing Questions for Interviews
When getting ready for an interview, it is important to not only prepare yourself to answer the questions you may be asked, but also questions that you can ask the people who are interviewing you. Many job seekers get so excited about finally getting an interview opportunity that they forget that interviewing is a two-way …
How to Conduct a ‘Stealth’ Job Search
Editor’s Note: This blog is a modified excerpt from professional “headhunter” and bestselling job-hunting book author Skip Freeman’s next book in the “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets series of job-hunting books, Career Stalled? Publication is scheduled for late fall.
How do you go about finding a new job when you already have one? Very, very carefully, …
Personal Branding Weekly – Moving from We to Me
Personal Branding Weekly
From working with a career coach to great email etiquette techniques, last week’s Personal Branding Blog posts focused on being authentic, building a brand and even reviewing the political landscape and personal brandings.
Here’s the articles you might have missed:
Cool, Clever Trends Help Personal Branding! by Deborah Shane If I Were…Rules for Protecting Your Brand in the Waiting Room
Everything counts when it comes to finding a job – and your demeanor in the waiting room while you wait for your interview is no different. I’ve always asked the company receptionist for their opinion on a candidate they’ve met. While they haven’t interviewed the candidate, they are certainly in a position to observe a …