Category: Education

EducationLifestyle & Habit BuildingSkill Development

How Being a Lifelong Learner Will Boost Your Career

Technology and industrial practices are continually evolving, so why should your education end the moment you walk across the stage and grab your diploma? Continuing to learn in the years following college can accelerate your career and separate you as an industry leader. Here’s why it’s important to keep your natural curiosity alive even outside …

Conference Meeting
Career ResourcesCommunication & NetworkingEducationSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

How Quality Presentations Can Give Your Career a Boost

When was the last time you were required to give a presentation? Can you remember? Presentations are not limited to groups of people sitting around a speaker — they’re part of your everyday life. Each time you pitch an idea, discuss solutions with a client or interact with colleagues, you are presenting. Delivering a low-quality …

Thinking of Leaving Your Company? 4 Reasons to Stay
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryEducationLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Education vs Experience – Which One is More Important?

As we hit “back to the school” season, many people may start to think whether college education is a must. College education is expensive but certainly important especially in some fields. However, graduating from college is not a guarantee of landing a job immediately. You also need experience in your desired field. So, which one …

EducationLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Tips to Get Your Employer Pay for Your Education

Everybody wants to improve their skills and advance their career. However, employer funded training/education is a rare benefit. Companies don’t want to pay for the training expenses of their employees because they believe that after they get new skills, they will change their jobs and go somewhere else. However, this is not necessarily the case. …

EducationLifestyle & Habit Building

Here’s What You Need to Know About a Career in Medical Services Management

Like any other business, a health care organization needs a good manager to keep things ticking along properly. Medical services managers plan and supervise the business aspects of health care delivery. A specialist medical services manager, like an emergency medical services manager, for example, oversees a specific department or service, while a general medical services …

EducationLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

7 Ways to Innovate and Prove You’re Worthy

The terrible truth of work is that almost anyone can do anything. I don’t want to make you paranoid, but open up the UCLA Extension course catalog, a MOOC or watch a few “how-to” YouTube videos, and you get my drift. Education and skills are the easiest things to acquire.

Leaving out advanced neurosurgery, the …