Category: eBrand

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Personal Branding Interview: Rahaf Harfoush

Today, I spoke to Rahaf Harfoush, who is a social media strategist, author of Yes We Did, research coordinator for Wikinomics and a contributor on Grown Up Digital. She supported the Obama campaign with regards to social media. In this interview, Rahaf talks about the common mistakes businesses make when it comes to branding and …

Career DevelopmenteBrandInterviewJob SearchPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Ryan Healy

Today, I spoke to Ryan Healy, who is the COO and Co-Founder of Brazen Careerist (A site that I partner with). Ryan, along with co-founders Penelope Trunk and Ryan Paugh, just launched their newest feature, Social Resumes. I filled mine out today, and I have to say that it’s a very interesting concept. Their Social …

Career DevelopmenteBrandMarketingNetworkingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

4 Step Personal Branding With Google Buzz

Google Buzz has been talked about nonstop since it came out, from Fox News to NPR and back again. Stories typically range from security flaws to tips on how to best use the new social network. Buzz is Google’s current attempt to have a social network and compete against the likes of Facebook. What’s different …

Career DevelopmenteBrandNetworkingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Managing Your Personal Brand Without Going Insane

Managing your online identity is becoming very challenging because multiple social networks are launched each week and we all suffer from information overload. How do you keep up with everything, without losing your sanity? You don’t want to join every new social network, create a profile and start communicating on it because that’s not a …

Brand Yourself AseBrandPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Two Breakthrough Ideas That Changed My Life

Keeping up with information these days is like sipping through the proverbial fire hydrant. You don’t need to check your Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, etc… already know what’s building up on the other side.

An avalanche of knowledge

That’s right, when the circle stops spinning or the screen is fully loaded – BAM – the …

eBrandPersonal BrandingSocial Media

Establishing Your Personal Brand on Niche Social Networks

Have an expertise? There’s a social network for that.

There’s a lot of hype around the “Big 3” – Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. But what about niche social networks?

If you’re an expert in it, there’s a social network for it

From shopping (Kaboodle) to knitting (Ravelry) to movies (Flixster) and everything in between, there’s …