Admit It… You NEED Help
For some the very idea of asking for help is tantamount to admitting failure.
Hint: It’s NOT!
There is no shame in asking for help.
Whether it’s asking for directions or asking for clarification.
Just Ask!
When you ask for help you will stand out in your career. People will know you take the time …

How Would You Rate the Boundaries You Set?
Throughout our childhood, we are taught boundaries for what is acceptable and what is not. We learn to accept the rules set by others, but it is an unknown as to why we are afraid to speak up when our boundaries are over-stepped. The give and take of adhering to rules and procedures apply to …

Six Dynamic Ways to Serve Your Clients
Client service, broadly defined, means supplying your customers with what they want, when they want it and how they want it, in a friendly and professional way. Client service is a vital ingredient in any business. In fact, a good service interaction can hike business-to-business transactions by 62 percent. It can raise business-to-consumer transactions by …

An Easy Strategy for Handling Errors
Our schedules are busier than ever, and technology is more complex taking many out of their comfort zones. The likelihood of making errors has substantially increased over time. But the worst error is in how one responds to someone else pointing out a mistake. Suggestions are made below for implementing improved strategies for overcoming errors …

Tweak Your Response to Improve Business
One of the more critical areas for getting to ‘yes’ is in our response style. A response may be an answer to a question, providing insight, or getting to the closing stage of pending business. Our communication affects all stages of the sales cycle and also includes the final stage for getting hired.
Communication Reminders:…
Why Your Business Should Support a Charity
Unfortunately many businesses are only profit driven and they often neglect the problems of the world. However, you can get many benefits while helping the world become a better place to live. You can build a stronger brand image, attract and retain the best talent and separate your company from your competitors by creating a …

Four Professional Alternatives to “F**k You”
When we were bright-eyed young career starters, we undoubtedly all had a certain vision of our career-self as a true professional. We’d wear snappy suits and swan out to important client meetings and say things like “tell Jack it’s imperative that I have the xyz file on my desk by 5pm”.
Moreover, we’d be the …

Freedom to Stand Out in Your Career
As we come upon the Fourth of July there has never been a time that Freedom has never been more on top of peoples minds
If you live in the USA there are many days that freedom is taken for granted.
We have the freedom to:
Change jobs at will Move to a new city…
Are Clients Excited to Meet or Quickly Depart?
Do your prospective clients sound excited to learn more in meetings, or is pain felt on both sides of the table?
We are all aware of salespeople who brag about their prowess. While they may be well-informed about what they sell, their ego plays too big a part for them to be successful. No one …

4 Things You Need to Start Rewarding Yourself For
The problem with Millennials, according to people who have never been one, is that they expect praise and rewards for everything. Participated? Medal. Attempted? Pat on the back. Lost? Trophy.
But far from breeding laziness and entitlement, as is often claimed, rewarding ourselves frequently and liberally helps us learn new skills and develop desirable traits. …