Three Ways to Avoid Self Sabotage
There are times in our careers where we accidentally and sometimes intentionally set ourselves up for failure. At these moments of self sabotage there are a lot of reasons why you may be doing this: some may be psychological while others might have more deeply rooted issues related to them. I’m not going to try …

4 Ways to Win at Salary Negotiation
Everyone wants to get paid more. Often, that means learning how to win at salary negotiation.
It pays to be savvy at salary negotiation. Depending on experience level, a job seeker who can effectively negotiate salary will make roughly $100 – $500 more weekly than their counterparts.
How to Succeed in Salary NegotiationBelow, you’ll …

Soft Skills in the Age of Automation
For my first post of 2018 I wanted to start you off with three things that will help you more in your career than possibly anything else you’ve read in the past five years that I’ve been writing these posts.
Let’s talk about soft skills.
Soft Skills are critical for career success in the Age …

3 Simple Ways to Increase Empathy at Work
If you want to move up the career ladder, it is not enough to have great technical abilities or know how. You need to have personal skills as well. Think about a manager who is great at technical details but cannot get along with his/her team, then how can this manager manage a project if …

Ask Yourself These 10 Questions Before Jumping On a Job Offer
When you’ve sent out dozens of resumes and interviewed almost as many times, finally receiving a job offer feels like the ultimate reward. But just because someone offers you a job doesn’t necessarily mean that you should take it.
An interview not only helps your potential employer get to know you, it’s also an opportunity …

Tips for Protecting Your Small Business
Whereas big businesses tend to have a variety of well-staffed departments devoted to the legal, physical and digital protection of their business, small business owners often must take a more hands-on approach to protecting their operations. Small businesses face unique challenges and risks that their larger counterparts do not, making encompassing protection an extreme priority.…

If You Want to Be Hired… Be an Athlete
What kind of athlete are you?
Do you consider yourself an athlete?
Is there such a thing as an “athletic” employee?
If you want to be hired … Be an Athlete
I was interviewing someone a few weeks back and we got to talking about how they hire people in their business. They said something …

Where You Wear Your Badge Matters
This may come off as a bit of a rant. And, for that, I apologize.
My intent is to help you by helping yourself.
And, by helping others to clearly see your name and perhaps skip a potentially embarrassing situation.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a Millennial, a Gen Z, a Gen X’er or …

How to Reset a Bad Work Day
Most people don’t wake up ready to start the day like Snow White singing to her helpful little birds. Most days you get caught up in the hustle and bustle and have to push through, and then, there are the bad days when you’re just not feeling it.
The alarm goes off late. Your forehead …

Whatever You Do, Here’s How to Find Meaning In It
A big goal that most people share in common is that everyone wants to do something that they love. Whether that’s working a particular career, not having a career at all or focusing on something else, everyone has a passion that drives them. It’s exciting to think about getting to a point in your life …