How to Detect A Leader Versus A Follower
A recent televised new interview with Mark Cuban was a delight to watch. In particular, Cuban’s facial expressions said it all!
Lack of Comprehension
There was a tremendous disconnect between him and the host regarding their varying viewpoints when it comes to doing business and accepting change. The host is old school and unwilling to …

Get Smart About Supply Chain: How to Cut Costs in Logistics
Your company’s supply chain covers everything from ordering and storing raw materials to managing your finished inventory to fulfilling orders and ensuring they get to the buying customer safe and sound. With so many different steps in the supply chain process, it can become overwhelming to manage.
If you’re not properly overseeing your supply chain, …

10 Essential Elements Your E-Commerce Site Needs
Whether you’re building an e-commerce website from scratch or improving one you’ve been depending on for a while, it’s crucial to make sure it at least has some basic components that make your online destination more user friendly and increase the likelihood that first-time visitors become loyal shoppers.
Straightforward Search Functionality
If people can’t find …

Business Lessons Entrepreneurs can Learn from the Movie ‘Joy’
I was on a three-hour flight at the beginning of this week and I watched the movie ‘Joy’ during my flight. The movie turned out to be much better than I expected with full of life and business lessons. Therefore, as soon as I got back I wanted to share with you my findings from …

Is Your Career On the Right Path Or Should Something Change?
As new projects or careers begin, fear sometimes gets in the way. In particular, after making a big decision regarding a career will have many soon wondering if they made the right choice. Restless nights are the norm when trying to predict how it will all work out. The philosophy of one day at …

How Creating a Whistleblowing Policy Can Protect Your Business
As business owners, we hope to never have need of a whistleblowing policy. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly important for protecting ourselves, our businesses and our employees.
Whistleblowing policies are put in place to ensure employees they are protected if they feel there is a topic or problem that needs to be discussed. …

What You Need to Know About Liability Insurance
General liability insurance for your business is something that you want to invest in to protect your interests and your assets. However, liability insurance is intimidating to some because it’s easily over complicated. This article looks at the key information for liability insurance so you can determine what you need for your business.
What Does …

Add These Two Qualities to Improve Results
The tides of time are changing, and recent communications reflect the reality. People employed are seriously considering going out on their own, and those who once enjoyed being self-employed are now re-thinking the cumbersome effort. Stress and sleepless nights seem to be affecting many. Unfortunately, the lack of sleep adds to the burden, and worse …

What to Do When You’re Headed for a Business Breakup
The right business partnership has the power to create an amazing company. When business partners can bounce ideas off each other, share a larger vision and work together to create something awesome, companies are more successful.
Unfortunately, not all business partnerships end positively. While a business relationship may seem promising in the beginning, people can …

Are You Consistently Perfect?
It is highly unlikely for anyone to be consistently perfect. And this is the number one reason we need to forgive errors of other people and equally important is to forgive ourselves. The improved approach is to learn from what went wrong to move past.
The Problem
Sometimes people provide angry responses toward others when …