What to Do When You’re Headed for a Business Breakup
The right business partnership has the power to create an amazing company. When business partners can bounce ideas off each other, share a larger vision and work together to create something awesome, companies are more successful.
Unfortunately, not all business partnerships end positively. While a business relationship may seem promising in the beginning, people can …
Are You Consistently Perfect?
It is highly unlikely for anyone to be consistently perfect. And this is the number one reason we need to forgive errors of other people and equally important is to forgive ourselves. The improved approach is to learn from what went wrong to move past.
The Problem
Sometimes people provide angry responses toward others when …
8 Ways to Fund Your Startup
Running your own business is a great way to experience career flexibility and financial independence. While it’s an idea that has crossed nearly everyone’s mind at one point or another, very few actually capitalize on such thoughts. There are a number of common barriers that are inherent to the startup process itself, but none are …
Be Fearless to Find Collaborative Partners
There is a steep learning curve to be overcome when you are accustomed to competition and competing for prizes. Most people in business fall to the fear of others vying for the same clientele. The problem is conclusions are not always correct, and opportunities lost.
One example is of sales professionals who perform varying types …
9 Easy Ways to Save Money and the Planet
For the penny-pinching entrepreneur, cutting down on overhead costs and long-term operational expenses can go a long way in maximizing profitability. This is especially helpful when launching a new startup business, as quick and significant income is often essential to the longevity of any business.
Here are some easy ways to save some green and …
Errors Lead to Success
It is the unknown learning curve that is found to be the toughest. Every time an attempt is made to undertake something new multiple other challenges arise. The question becomes do you have the grit to get past the many uphill battles?
Your particular answer resides within to distinguish you apart from everyone else. The …
You Don’t Have to Be a People Person to Make It Online
Who wants to deal with the hustle and bustle of a 9 to 5? Waking up at the crack of dawn, rushing to your morning commute, bumping into a bunch of strangers along the way, and drowning in client meetings for 8 hours. Doesn’t sound like too much fun, does it? The internet has become …
Using the Holiday Season to Bolster Mobile Ecommerce
Holidays can be a trying time for any company. While some companies see increased profitability and patronage during this time of year, other businesses struggle with marketing, consumer interest and increasing labor costs. However, many of these issues can be eliminated by adapting your ecommerce platform to the mobile-centric nature of today’s online shoppers.
Start …
10 Best Free Tools for Entrepreneurs
If you are going to start a business, you should make best use of your limited budget and try to bootstrap as much as possible. Therefore, take a look at the below free tools which will make your life easier and help you take-off your business right away.
Launchrock: Launchrock helps you to build a…Maintain Balance for Positive Results
Work life balance is the typical thought heard, but this just refers to the hours put in. Examining business further brings about many areas in which balance may take place.
Some of the differing areas to consider:
Cultural differences and experiences Technical versus creative ideas Senior versus junior generationsTeamwork within companies is vital to …