Category: Career & Wealth

female Entrepreneur Challenges
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCareer & WealthFuturesRelationships & Personal Growth

Challenges Unique To Female Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs are not new to the American workforce. While the laws that protect women in the corporate world have been hard-won and are still being fought for, modern-day business has significantly benefited from the activity of female entrepreneurs and business leaders.

You can trace the feminine presence in the workforce as far back as …

Networking Communication
Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingPRRelationships & Personal Growth

Keys to a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Crowdfunding is not only about raising money for entrepreneurs. It is much more than that. Creating a crowdfunding campaign actually allows you to see the interest in your product as well as enables you to get feedback and develop it even more before the actual launch. If your campaign becomes successful, it means that you …

better salesperson
Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit Building

Encourage or Detract Clients: How You Solve Problems

Salespeople are invariably the ‘fall’ person for taking the blame when it comes to errors. The blame game is rampant inside the company and clientele hold the representative responsible. The very best approach is to quickly apologize and avoid all excuses. Your immediate apology indicates upfront you are to be trusted and maintains a reputable …