Personal Branding By Understanding The Hiring Process
Do you realize that how well you understand the hiring process has a big impact on your personal brand … and on your chances of getting hired?
Most job seekers think that understanding the hiring process just means learning the email address to send a resume (or URL to post). That’s really the least important …
The Fastest Way To Become An Expert On Anything
After failing my first major exam as a college student (note: it’s not wise to begin studying for an 8 am exam at midnight the night before), I decided to create a “studying process.” By using this process during the rest of my collegiate career, I survived college and was able to graduate from Johns …
Spring Into Search: Spice Up Your Personal Brand
With the changing of seasons right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to give your job search a bit of a spring awakening. The deadlock of winter may have dulled your job search strategies, but it shouldn’t hold you back from going above and beyond to present yourself to an employer.
Usher in the …
Information Keeps Your Personal Brand Current
… and allows you to brand yourself as a superior candidate.
Information is power …
The information you use to shape your communications with employers is critical to your success … or lack of success in landing a job.
But the information that most candidates use is lacking … and inferior information brands you as …
Corporate Career Development – Is It Really About You?
If you’ve ever worked for a company, you’ve most likely had one of those career development talks with your manager. If your manager was any good, you were discussing your strengths, and how to grow in the areas of your passion. However, the career development within a company is, of course, focused on the company …
Preserving Your Personal Brand During A Power Outage
When it comes to managing your personal brand, preparation is key. Preparation in terms of your personal brand can take all forms, but considering worst-case scenarios should take precedence. While no one enjoys thinking about the “what if’s” of potential negativity and brand failure–bumps in the road are often inevitable.
During this year’s Super Bowl, …
Obsolete Information Brands Job Seekers As Obsolete
Could one of your job search problems be that you’re using obsolete information?
How do you think obsolete job search information causes you to brand yourself on your resume and during an interview?
When you use obsolete information in your job research, you focus on keywords, employer issues and employer problems that aren’t problems anymore …
You are a Company, Even as a Job Seeker
Here you are, trying to get a job. You knock on a door of yet another company you are interested in. You hope they open that door. You hope you are good enough for them to invite you in. You hope they pick you from the crowd that gathered around this opportunity. The process is …
How to Ruin Your Brand as a Sales Professional
Nothing is worse than sales people who fit the stereotype of a sleazy, greedy “used-car salesman”. Whether you’re just starting out in sales or you’ve been doing it for years, chances are you’ve encountered either training, guidance, or been witness to the usage of undesirable tactics to develop business. A good sales person stays away …
Can an SNL Skit Make You Reexamine Your Life?
Have you ever gone to your high school reunion, or seen an old friend on Facebook, and wanted to ask, “what happened to you?!”
A Saturday Night Live skit last week had me thinking about this. The premise was a game show called “What Have You Become?” Three contestants, who had all been told they’d …