Graduates: Stand Out Using Your Personal Brand
You’re about to graduate college and join millions of other graduates in the competitive world of the job search. Of course, you won’t all be competing for the same jobs, but many of you will.
Now, more than ever, it’s essential to tailor your personal brand to your advantage. Here are a few ways you …
5 Tips for Selfless Self-Promotion
Self-promotion is part of the game when it comes to establishing and cultivating brand identity. While you want to be assertive, you also want to avoid oversaturation of your brand or message. Too much of a good thing (you) can be perceived in a bad way.
Here are some tips to keep in mind as …
5 Intangibles Brand You as a Premium
Are you searching for your next job, or are you seriously preparing for the next part of your career path?
There’s some very good news this year for finding a job. “eEmployers expect to hire 13 percent more new college graduates from the Class of 2013 than they did from the Class of 2012”, according …
Sheryl Sandberg Boosts Her Personal Brand: So Can You!
“Every group of people that has been systematically told they were supposed to play a limited role internalizes that role.” Gloria Steinem
“We have to fight against the barriers and get them out of our consciousness.” Sheryl Sandberg
Over the past few weeks Sheryl Sandberg has become a household name: She took her high-profile position …
Resume Tips for Projecting a Creative Personal Brand
Are you looking for a way to build a memorable personal brand with a resume that stands out from the others clamoring for attention?
If you want to brand yourself with personal brand attributes like creativity, confidence, and strong, independent thinking, take a good look at Jocelyn Wallace’s visual resume.
Jocelyn Wallace’s visual resume is …
6 Things You Are Doing to Damage Your Personal Brand
Are you investing time into building your personal brand, but it seems like no one has noticed? Your brand is very sensitive and even one little mistake can damage it. Whether it’s the way you’re communicating your message or how you interact with your audience, you may be unknowingly hurting your personal brand.
If you …
3 Tips to Avoid Being a ‘Job Title Commodity’
Picture this. You are at a networking event. Business cards in hand. Ready to make new contacts. How do you introduce yourself? What is your conversation starter? Like most people it’s probably this: “My name is… I’m a… (fill in the blank with your job title!)
We often fall into the trap of identifying ourselves …
You Gotta Believe! (Louisville and UConn)
“You gotta believe” is an expression we have all heard – frequently in reference to athletics. When the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team recently won another NCAA national championship 93-60, I’m sure they believed in themselves and their teammates.
Similarly, you gotta believe in yourself to excel in your career or job search. Your …
3 Ways to Be a Marketable College Grad
Trying to set yourself apart in the entry-level job market can be a challenge. Although the number of jobs are increasing, employers are still looking for talented candidates with in-demand skills.
Are you a college student wanting to go above and beyond the rest? Here are some tips for students who want to be marketable …
Personal Branding Blog Weekly – 15 April 2013
One way to make managing your personal brand less taxing is to learn from other people’s experience.
For example, Aaron McDaniel’s article titled “Are You Scared of Your Boss” provided a valuable tip about “asking for clarity”.
If you’ve been focused on other things (like your taxes), then take a look at all the great …