Category: Brand Identity & Self-Discovery

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingEmployer BrandingInterviewMarketingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Build Your Company’s Brand and Your Brand Will Reap the Rewards

Today, I spoke with Mike Volpe, who is a fine example of someone who has built his personal brand and employers brand simultaneously.  His coined term, “inbound marketing,” which reflects how social media can be used to attract opportunities passively, rather than proactively.  Instead of cold calling a customer or applying for a job with …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCareer & WealthCommunication & NetworkingInterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

You Can’t Obtain Success By Defining it Yourself!

Today, I spoke with Romanus Wolter, who has successfully branded himself as “The Kickstart guy.” He has a lot of knowledge when it comes to entrepreneurship and business coaching. We talked about how people should define success, how to start a business from a simple idea, why some people don’t make the leap (quitting instead) …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingInterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

How to Have a Joyful Brand Despite Economic Uncertainty

Today, I spoke with Lisa Earle McLeod, who is a writer, speaker, and author specializing in humor business coaching and spirituality attainment. A lot of people are feeling depressed, anxious and under pressure right now, so I figured I would interview Lisa, who will cheer you right up. We discuss how humor can help you …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingCorporate BrandingInterviewRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Create a Winning Social Media Strategy For Your Brand

Today, I spoke with Dave Evans, who is a social media marketing expert, author, business owner and columnist. We talk about what it’s like to convince people of the importance of social media, how to answer the dreaded “ROI” question, which social networks you should join and avoid and how to be a great community …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & Networkinggen-yInterviewRelationships & Personal Growth

Exclusive Interview With International Celebrity Businessman Don Tapscott

Today, I spoke with Mr. Don Tapscott, who is best known as the author of Wikinomics, the international bestselling web 2.0 book. His new book is called Grown up Digital, and I caught up with Don to further investigate how my generation is changing the world as we know it. You might remember that we …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingInterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Do You Have an Ethical Personal Brand?

Today, I spoke with Bruce Weinstein, who has successfully branded himself as “The Ethics Guy.” He has his own column for and has written many books on this topics. Bruce reminds us how important it is to stay ethical in all that we do, online and offline. I think this is a really important …

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewRelationships & Personal Growth

Interview with NY Times Bestselling Author Ori Brafman

Today, I spoke with Ori Brafman, who is the New York Times bestselling author of Sway. We spoke about how people are swayed to make the wrong decisions, what influences our professional and personal lives and “value attribution,” which is how much value your employer places on your head. I hope this conversation sways you …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryeBrandRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

A Personal Brand is Demolished by Being Selfish Instead of Useful

It is very rare for me to single people out for bad personal branding, especially when I made mistakes when I first entered the blogosphere a few years ago, such as spamming the press/bloggers and leaving self-promotional comments on blogs. Those days are over and by learning from mistakes, it’s helped me teach you how …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingInterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

It’s a Long Career and a Small Corporate Community

Today, I spoke with Anne Fisher, who is a senior writer at Fortune and the face behind the “Ask Annie” column at  We discuss a lot of important workplace themes, such as office politics, how the workplace has changed in the past decade, the real way to get a job and what to do …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Tips for Networking With People Who Are More Successful Than You Are


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It’s very challenging to network with people who are more successful than you are. I’ve been able to do this over the course of the past few years pretty successfully. I’ve spoke with over 70 successful people, just on this blog alone. The magazine I publish, Personal Branding Magazine, …