Category: Confidence & Appearance

Confidence & Appearance

If you want to avoid toxic people as you get older, say goodbye to these behaviors

As we age, we naturally want to surround ourselves with positive influences. Yet, it’s not always that simple. We might encounter toxic individuals, who drain our energy and joy.

Dodging them isn’t about luck, it’s about behavior.

Indeed, there are certain habits which tend to attract these negative personas. Break these patterns, and you’re on …

Confidence & Appearance

People who look and feel far younger than they actually are usually display these behaviors

There’s a significant difference between people who simply age and those who seem to defy the years.

The secret isn’t found in a miracle cream or a magical pill, but rather, in their behaviors and lifestyle choices.

These age-defying individuals usually exhibit certain habits that contribute to their youthful appearance and vivacious spirit.

In this …

Confidence & Appearance

If a woman displays these behaviors, she hasn’t quite grown up emotionally

Navigating the tricky waters of emotional maturity can be quite a challenge.

You might think you’re dealing with a grown woman, but sometimes, her behaviors might suggest otherwise.

It’s not always about the big, theatrical moments.

Sometimes, it’s subtle. A small action here, a word there, and you find yourself wondering if she’s emotionally mature …

Confidence & AppearanceDating

7 phrases a covert narcissist will use to gain trust and intimacy

There’s a marked contrast between sincere connection and sly manipulation.

The difference lies in the authenticity of intention. A covert narcissist, for instance, skillfully uses certain phrases to foster trust and intimacy, concealing their real motives.

Gaining someone’s trust should ideally be a process of genuine interaction and shared experiences. But for a covert narcissist, …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

Men who prefer to date much younger women typically display these personality traits

It’s no secret that some men have a preference for dating much younger women. But have you ever wondered what personality traits these men typically share?

Well, I’m Tina Fey, founder of the Love Connection blog and your go-to gal for relationship wisdom. Over the years, I’ve pieced together a number of common characteristics among …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

9 behaviors of people who are always either early or on time, according to psychology

There’s a stark contrast between people who are chronically tardy and those who are perpetually punctual.

The difference boils down to habits. Latecomers often have a more laissez-faire attitude towards time, while the timely ones adhere to a set of behaviors that ensures their punctuality.

Being early or on time isn’t about being a stickler …