Author: Skip Weisman

Skip Weisman, The Leadership & Workplace Communication Expert, has worked with business leaders and their teams to transform both individual and organizational performance in industries from banks to plumbers since 2001. Skip’s experience helping his clients has shown that the biggest problems in workplaces today can be directly traced to interpersonal communication between people in the work environment. Having spent 20 years in professional baseball management, his first career in which he served as CEO for five different franchises, has given Skip tremendous insights and skills for build high-performing teams.  To help small business leaders create a championship culture with employees performance at the highest levels, Skip recently published this white paper report The Missing Ingredient Necessary to Improve Employee Performance. Download a free copy of this report at The Missing Ingredient Necessary to Improve Employee Performance. During a 20-year career in professional baseball management, Skip served as CEO for five different franchises. That experience gave Skip tremendous insight and skill for building high-performing teams in the workplace and championship cultures.
Teamwork Tips
Communication & Networking

How Small Business Leaders Can Use Google’s Teamwork Study

In 2012 Google began studying teamwork in the company. Called “Project Aristotle,” results were released in 2016.

Google in-house researchers studied 180 teams at the company and analyzed over 250 team attributes through more than 200 interviews.

The final results reported five key characteristics that allowed teams to achieve high-levels of success. In order of …

Teamwork and Collaboration
Career & WealthCommunication & Networking

Teamwork Never Fails – Stop Blaming Teamwork at Your Small Business

Five years ago facilitating a client’s leadership retreat I asked a simple question… “What is teamwork?” Of the 12 leaders in the organization, a small regional credit union, we heard the traditional answers and one that stood out. The one that stood out was:   “Teamwork is a series of individual interdependent successful efforts.” That definition…
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Relationships & Personal Growth

The Two Types of Work Environments, aka “Cultures”

Peter Drucker, the guru of organizational development consulting, was quoted as saying that “culture eats strategy for lunch.”

Company “culture” is defined as “how people within an organizational environment communicate and behave based on real or perceived values, beliefs, and rules (both written and unwritten).”

There are two types of company cultures:

A “compliance” culture,…
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