Author: Ryan Takeda

Based in Sydney, Australia, Ryan Takeda believes that a strong personal brand starts with a strong sense of self. He doesn’t believe in surface-level branding—real impact comes from knowing who you are and owning it. His writing cuts through the noise, helping people sharpen their mindset, build better relationships, and present themselves with clarity, authenticity, and purpose.
Relationships & Personal Growth

7 things emotionally intelligent women never do (so you shouldn’t either!)

Remember that old saying, “Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve?”

Well, let’s flip that on its head.

In the world of personal growth and self-improvement, emotional intelligence is a game-changer.

It’s the secret sauce that separates the good from the great, the ordinary from the extraordinary. And let’s face it – we all want …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Adam Grant says this 10% principle will make you smarter and more open-minded

Have you ever caught yourself scrolling through social media or news sites, only to notice how quickly you skip over perspectives you disagree with?

I used to do that a lot. I’d stick to sources that confirmed what I already believed, thinking I was staying “informed.”

But it turns out, staying inside a self-imposed bubble …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Couples who look happy online but are miserable in reality usually display these 8 subtle behaviors

We’ve all seen them—the couples who flood our feeds with picture-perfect selfies, heartfelt captions, and grand declarations of love.

From the outside, their relationship seems flawless.

But appearances can be deceiving.

Just because a couple looks happy online doesn’t mean they’re happy in real life.

In fact, some of the most miserable relationships are the …

AdvertisingBrand AwarenessBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryRelationships & Personal Growth

Why certain ads feel irresistible—5 secrets from top marketing experts

Have you ever clicked on an online ad so fast you didn’t even realize what you were doing?

I’ve been there more than once. Sometimes, I’ll be scrolling through social media or browsing a website, and an ad just grabs my attention in a way that others don’t.

It’s like my curiosity is suddenly sparked, …

Lifestyle & Habit Building

8 subtle habits of people who stay productive and fulfilled after they retire

Retirement isn’t just about slowing down—it’s a whole new chapter of life. Some people struggle to fill their days, while others seem to stay just as engaged and energized as ever.

What’s their secret? It’s not just luck or personality. It comes down to small, intentional habits that keep them productive and fulfilled long after …

Communication & Networking

8 cliche phrases that make you sound unoriginal instead of intelligent, says psychology

It’s easy to think that using certain phrases makes you sound wise, insightful, or even persuasive.

We hear them all the time—from colleagues, mentors, and even in countless motivational speeches. They seem polished, effortless, and full of meaning.

But the truth? Some of these phrases don’t make you sound intelligent or original at all. In …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

7 things rich and successful people never waste time on

I once found myself in a rut—juggling my freelance branding clients, a fledgling coaching program, and endless social media scrolling. 

I asked myself: “How do high achievers handle all of these demands without collapsing?” 

Then I decided to study their habits. What I discovered challenged some of my core assumptions about productivity and success.

If …