Author: Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.
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Assessments Can Sell More Books & Build Your Brand

Many authors and self-employed professionals are unaware of the many ways they can use online assessments as marketing tools to sell more books and build strong personal brands.

Assessments differ from surveys in that they generate information about specific clients, prospects, or readers. Surveys, on the other hand, typically provide composite views of the goals …

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Simple One-Sheet Sells More Books & Builds Brands

All authors need one-sheets, formatted single-page PDFs that can sell more books & contribute to building the author’s personal brand.

One of the best investments authors can make is to hire a graphic designer to create a one-sheet template, similar to the one at right. A one-sheet template establishes a format that you can use …

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How to Tell the Story of Your Personal Brand

Jack Hart’s recently published Storycraft: The Complete Guide to Writing Narrative Nonfiction can take your ability to tell the story of your personal brand to a whole new level.

Less than a week after it’s publication, Storycraft is already an Amazon Top 100 book in its category!

Must-read for brand-building success


Storycraft is must read …

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Start to Write Your Book by Questioning Your Assumptions

The best route to publishing success is to question your assumptions before you start to write your brand-building book.

Asking questions provides a “real world” test that helps you avoid the myopia that often undermines writing and brand-building publishing success.

Questions are a common denominator of accomplishment in just about every field, as the following …

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Book Marketing Is Also Personal Brand Building

Each time you engage in book marketing and promotion, you’re also marketing and promoting your personal brand.

How you present your book’s marketing and promoting message is as important to your personal brand building as your website’s home and About Us pages.

Book titles are just the first step

For years, I’ve talked about power …

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Write Your Brand-Building Book In Spite Of Yourself

Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work is for you if you’re finding it difficult to finish–or, even, to just start–to write your brand-building book.

Don’t blame yourself if you’re having trouble writing your brand-building book; blame the Resistance, the uncompromising force inside you that fights change–even when the change is in your best interest.

In the …

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Lessons in Personal Branding from Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver is more than a bestselling author and television celebrity chef; his website offers numerous strategy and execution lessons for those seeking personal branding success.

The page title on Jamie Oliver’s website says it all: The official site for Jamie Oliver recipes, books & products, products, recipes, and the Food Revolution.

A casual exploration …

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When Should You Begin to Write Your Book?

One of my most frequently questions about writing a brand-building book is: “What’s the best time for me to begin to write my book?”

The major options include:

I’m going to start now, and get it written as soon as possible. I’m going to wait until I have signed a publishing contract. I’m going to…
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Taking Stock Of Your 2011 Branding and Writing Progress

As the Memorial Day weekend approaches, it’s time to take stock of your 2011 progress writing a book to build your personal brand.

In particular, did you make significant progress towards your goal of writing and publishing a brand-building book during the first-half of this year?

The following are some questions to help you evaluate …

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Mark Twain’s Advice for Authors Writing Brand-Building Books

Early this week, I discovered a quote by Mark Twain that offers advice and perspective for those who want to write a book to build your personal brand.

Mark Twain’s quote addresses the reason many entrepreneurs fail to accomplish big goals–like writing a book; they have great ideas, but fail to take action.

Why many…
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