Author: Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.
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3 Ways to Find the Time to Build Your Personal Brand

Lack of time is the most frequently-mentioned reason for failing to write a book, create a blog, or write a brand-building series of articles. Employees, as well as entrepreneurs, blame “lack of time” as the biggest obstacle holding them back.

Perceived lack of time is the most common reason for not writing a book, or …

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How Book Titles Build Personal Brands, Pt. 1

Choosing the right title for your book is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. The right title does more than just sell the book, it can launch a personal brand that creates endless opportunities while pre-selling follow-up books and a wealth of other profitable products & services.

One of best examples of …

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Are You Writing a Book to Build Your Personal Brand?

If you’re not writing a book to build your personal brand, you should be! The rewards of publishing a book for personal branding have been extensively documented.

But, don’t feel bad; you’re not alone in your desire to write a book, but, lack of progress getting published.

According to a recent study quoted in an …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 7: Inspiration

Successfully published nonfiction authors do more than share information; they inspire their readers to take action.

Their writing has a contagious enthusiasm and momentum that builds the reader’s confidence and compels them to take immediate action.

Telephone books and dictionaries are full of information, but they hardly inspire!

Books that only provide information often die …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 6: Modelers

Successful published authors often model their success on the successes of other authors. They don’t they don’t model to copy or plagiarize, they model so they can understand the ideas and techniques that are working for other authors–or has worked in the past–so they can adapt the lessons to their own current situation.

Why reinvent …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 5: Empathy

Successful authors exhibit a great deal of empathy for their readers. When an author writes with empathy–from the reader’s perspective–readers feel that the book was “written for me!”

This empathy can generate decades of reader loyalty; loyalty that may be far out of proportion to the value of the information contained in the book.

Authors …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 4: Leverage

Successful authors tend to be highly leveraged; this doesn’t mean, however, that they are deep in debt. Rather, it means that they are committed to to recycling, reusing, and re-purposing their ideas.

Successful avoid the temptation to continually reinvent the wheel. Instead, they create a body of knowledge, and use it for multiple marketing and …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 3: Efficiency

Continuing my survey of the 7 habits of successfully published authors, I’d like to address the importance of efficiency. After interviewing hundreds of successfully published and branded authors, and looking back on my own experiences, efficiency emerges as a highly important component of personal branding success.

Ultimately, an author’s success is more closely tied to …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 2: Discipline

Although not-yet-published authors (i.e., dreamers), often view writing a book in terms of creativity, inspiration, and talent, successfully published authors–and the book coaches they depend on–place the emphasis on discipline.

Discipline may not be as glamorous as creativity, but discipline is–ultimately–the foundation of writing and publishing a book that establishes your personal brand, drives new …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 1: Planning

Planning Your Way to Publishing Success

Writing and publishing a book has been, and still is, the most effective and documented way individuals can build their personal brand of awareness, credibility, and respect. Books attract new business, pre-sell your credibility, and open doors of opportunity. Books are the ultimate “business card.”

Whether you’ve recently graduated …