8 little phrases you should say to your partner more often, according to psychology
If you’re in a relationship, you probably know how much words can matter. Simple phrases can either spark joy or cause upset.
The words we use with our partners play a significant role in shaping the relationship. Psychology tells us there are certain phrases that can strengthen your bond.
Saying these eight little phrases more …

People who manage to stay fit and healthy in their 60s usually adopt these 8 daily habits
When you spot an active, spry 60-year-old, you might think they’ve won the genetic lottery. But, it’s not just about good genes.
In reality, maintaining health and fitness in your golden years is all about adopting certain lifestyle habits.
Now, piecing together those habits isn’t a cakewalk. It requires some keen observation and understanding of …

If you want to avoid toxic people as you get older, say goodbye to these behaviors
As we age, we naturally want to surround ourselves with positive influences. Yet, it’s not always that simple. We might encounter toxic individuals, who drain our energy and joy.
Dodging them isn’t about luck, it’s about behavior.
Indeed, there are certain habits which tend to attract these negative personas. Break these patterns, and you’re on …

If you were overly criticized growing up, you’re likely to exhibit these 9 traits as an adult
The words we hear as kids have a way of sticking with us, shaping how we see ourselves and the world around us.
For some of us, those words were often harsh—criticism that cut deep, even if it didn’t seem like much at the time.
If you grew up hearing constant judgment or never feeling …

People who are most productive at night typically display these 7 traits, according to psychology
As a night owl myself, I’ve often wondered why some people, like me, are most productive when the sun goes down. It’s not just about staying up late, it’s about when we’re at our best, buzzing with energy and creativity.
Those of us who thrive in the moonlight often share common traits, according to psychology. …

People who become intolerable to be around as they get older typically display these habits (without realizing it)
There’s a fine line between growing old gracefully and becoming someone others dread to be around.
Often, the difference lies in our habits. People who become intolerable with age typically demonstrate certain behaviors, often without even realizing it.
These habits can sour relationships and create an unwelcome atmosphere. However, by identifying them, we can take …

8 situations in life where the smartest thing to do is stay quiet
There are times in life when you’re faced with a situation and your instinct is to react, to say something, anything. You feel like you should be throwing your two cents into the mix, maybe to assert your stance or even just to fill the silence.
But what if I told you that sometimes, the …

10 habits that successful introverts swear by
I used to think success belonged to the extroverts—the ones who commanded rooms, made effortless small talk, and thrived in the spotlight.
As an introvert, I’d wonder if my quiet nature was holding me back. But over time, I realized something profound: introversion isn’t a hurdle; it’s a unique advantage.
Success doesn’t look the same …

People who disown friends or family as they get older usually display these 7 specific traits
Growing up, we’re often told that family and friends are forever. But sometimes, people choose to disown their loved ones as they get older.
This is a harsh reality and it does not happen without reason.
People who make this choice are usually marked by certain specific traits. These traits are not always negative – …

8 daily habits of miserable people, according to psychology
If you’ve ever found yourself stuck in a rut of negativity, you might be curious as to what’s fueling the cycle.
Psychology suggests that there are certain daily habits that can lead to feelings of misery.
These habits, often unnoticed, can slowly chip away at your happiness leaving you feeling low and unfulfilled.
Now, being …