When You’re Most Visible Are You On-Brand?
Classy. Conan O’Brien’s final evening with NBC he spoke directly to the audience sharing with them that on this last night he could speak in whatever manner he wanted to about the network with no ramifications. After the last show, he was then in a legal agreement to not say any disparaging remarks about the …
Why Would Any Company Care About Personal Brands?
With all the buzz about personal branding, I’m often asked, why would a company care about an employee’s personal brand?
Every industry along with the companies within that industry have acronyms that they use exclusively. J.L.P. is one acronym used by well known international retail giant. It stands for “just like picture”. And, now copycat …
Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot?
Tonight we will celebrate the end of 2009 and herald in a new decade. From private parties and entire city celebrations to safe home celebrations, we all have our own way of saying “goodbye to 2009”. Somewhere in the activities you are bound to hear the song “Auld Lang Syne”. It’s an old Scottish poem …
How Your Personal Brand Handles Multiple Hats
“I have many roles, hats if you will. Does that mean I should have an online profile for each?” asked an attendee at the fifth annual Massachusetts Conference for Women.
This is a great question. In fact, there were 11 great questions that were asked during the Q & A portion of my presentation on …
How Well Does Your Personal Brand Listen?
There are several programs that large brands use to “monitor” the conversation and to know what’s being said. What if you’re a small brand? Or, even smaller – what if the brand is YOU?
Listening as a brand1. Listen to how people introduce you.
This simple exercise will give you insight into what people …
Conversation is King
Anyone who spends any time or resources online has heard the saying “content is king”. That, though, is so Web 1.0.
To succeed in being visible and memorable in the Web 2.0 world, conversation is king. And, it’s about engaging conversation not just one sided “walking commercials”. The key to anyone’s success is communication and …
Are You Fun to Advocate For?
Much of the time we talk about ways to be connected, referred, recommended and advocated for. From logistics, strategy and tactics, there are many valuable tips and posts! Yet, there’s a basic question that we often fail to address and that is….am I fun to advocate for?
When someone speaks positively on your behalf, engages …
When Does Appreciating Lead to Advocating?
Gratitude seems to be a rare or discounted commodity. In our time deprived, hyper-connected world, we may text a quick “thx” or smiley face and go on our way. And, practices like that make us like everyone else – just average.
How do you stand out in someone’s mind? How do you engage and inspire …
Brand Advocate Numero Uno
I’m often asked in workshops, “who needs to be my number one brand advocate?” The guesses range from my current supervisor, a trusted mentor, a current client or a leader in the industry. Some, even after going over the ”18 Critical Connections You Need to Know” still ask, “is there one that stands out as …
Branded Introductions
The way we introduce ourselves and others can leave us branded. Branded either for the good and highlighting what is uniquely our strengths. Or, branded negatively by shining a spotlight on our weak areas.
Living in West Texas, when I use the term ‘branded’ I imagine cowboys or vaqueros (Vaquero Regional Note: Used chiefly in …