Personal Brand Recovery When Credit Is Due
If you want to succeed, it’s essential that you protect your brand and online reputation. You want to be known for who you are and what you stand for. You want to be given credit for your accomplishments.
Most of the time, you probably do get appreciated or rewarded for your efforts. Your supervisor promotes …
Branding Yourself on Skype, Google Hangouts and Tango!
Video chat and calls are becoming more and more popular among people. In addition to people using these to communicate with their family and friends both near and far, brands, both personal and business ones, are now using these to communicate with their clients, customers, employers, and employees. Skype, Google Hangouts and Tango are just …
Disgruntled Communication And Your Brand
As a small business owner or personal brand, your reputation is critical to your success. It is how people view you and differentiate you from others which helps get you more business. A good brand image is not an easy feat though. It requires planning, hard work and diligence. You need to be able to …
Differentiate With The Lost Art Of Gratitude
No Thank You’s – Then No Thanks! It’s amazing how many people do not know how to say “thank you.” It’s as if they were never taught, the more you appreciate something, the more you’ll get things you can appreciate. It’s like the old adage of “What you focus on, you get”. However, 97% of …
Facebook And Brands From The BRANDidos
Facebook remains the giant among all the social networking sites. Whether you’re an employee, an executive, or a small business owner, it’s practically essential that you establish your presence on Facebook or you’ll be missing out on one of the best ways to promote your brand and engage with your audience.
Changes are inevitable though, …
Bloggers Are Not “Born This Way”
Blogging continues to be an excellent way to engage with people. By offering unique and relevant content that interests your audience, you can stimulate conversation around your brand and help spread the news about your expertise, your drive and what your unique brand offers.
Due to the rising popularity of social media, so many people …
Brand Yourself To Highlight The Best
As a personal brand today, your online reputation is very important. Hiring managers, recruiters, business owners, clients, and the like, probably Google your name to see what comes up before they even consider hiring you.
This is why it’s essential for you to control your search engine results. You want to highlight the best things …
Your Brand, Multiplexing And The Hedgehog Effect
As a personal brand, it’s very important that you form strong connections and build close relationships with people. There are many ways you can do this, even without having to meet people face to face. Social Media is a great catalyst for people to easily connect with others in the virtual world. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ …
Your Brand Is Valuable, Now Is It Profitable?
Personal branding has never been as important as it is today. To achieve success in this world, you really need to manage your reputation well; otherwise, people and companies have worldwide reach to find anyone who “does what you do” or “sells what you sell”.
Though you may be valuable in the company you work …
The Three Cs To Getting Any Job
This guest post submitted by Brian Tracy, Author of Earn What You’re Really Worth: Maximize Your Income at Any Time in Any Market
There are three Cs to getting the kind of job you want and earning the kind of money you want to earn. These three Cs basically remain constant throughout your working career. …