Personal Branding Weekly – Let It Go!
From Travoltified names to thousands of renditions, the anthem for this winter and early spring has been “Let it Go!” With the first quarter of 2014 closing, what goals or practices do you need to let go of for 2014? There are practices and behaviors that at one time served us well and now due …
Small Business Owner: You are More Agile
As a small business owner or solopreneur, you are in constant war with your competition for the attention and loyalty of a (sometimes-small) consumer group. Larger companies may have the resources and capacity to roll out massive marketing campaigns, but it takes lots of creativity and hard work to make your brand’s voice heard.
To …
Personal Branding Weekly – Mobilizing Your Personal Brand
Much of what’s written is about how to express your personal brand. In fact, when I’m contacted there’s usually a disappointing pause when I say that there’s ‘no magic bullet’ to personal branding. The only thing magical is discovering what makes you unique and expressing, exuding and engaging with your unique style. The key is …
Stand Out With Authentic Appreciation
Are you genuinely appreciating and encouraging the people around you?
It’s a simple question, and one that is quite important in the world we live in today. Organizational researchers have found that appreciation plays a major role in the morale and mood of an organization, and any negative perceptions about appreciation can be harmful to …
Personal Branding Weekly – Stop Ranting, Mobile Phones and Meetings
I know. I know. It’s rude to talk on your phone in a meeting or a workshop. That’s just common sense and we all know how uncommon that is. But how much must the ranting go on?
Ever thought that there’s a different way to look at it?
This week a well-known networking guru who’s …
Your Personal Brand and the 5 Languages of Appreciation
For many of us, feeling a sense of belonging in the places we work, homes, and with the people we love and care about is satisfying. We work hard to make sure that what we do counts, and that we are able to support ourselves. But more to our need to survive and make every …
Personal Branding Weekly – Happy Birthday #Brandchat
This week we hit a milestone in a twitter chat that I started five years ago. In fact, our #brandchat birthday is this Wednesday, February 19th. In five years, we’ve met many BRANDidos (a term of endearment for all those who chat and share their insights and resources). Some have stayed, others have left and …
Bland to Brand with Appreciation
As a small business entrepreneur, having co-workers and team members who share your passion to make the business improve and who value each other is a great gift.
What do people do when they don’t feel valued?
Some people will show outward signs of displeasure (weary, discouraged faces), yet many will internalize it. In such …
Personal Branding Weekly – Your Insincere Brand
All business is personal and is built upon your relationships with individuals. People carry forth (or don’t) the mission of the brand in daily actions. A company’s brand is the mission in action put forth by a conglomeration of many personal brands.
I took the time to trace that relationship because so many brands are …
Greatness through Gratitude
Gratitude seems to be a rare or discounted commodity. In our time deprived, hyper-connected world, we may text a quick “thx” or smiley face and go on our way. And, practices like that make us like everyone else – just average.
How do you stand out in someone’s mind? How do you engage and inspire …