Author: Maria Elena Duron

Maria Elena Duron, is managing editor of the Personal Branding Blog, CEO (chief engagement officer) of buzz2bucks– a word of mouth marketing firm, and a professional speaker and trainer on developing social networks that work. She provides workshops, webinars, seminars and direct services that help create conversation, connection, credibility, community and commerce around your brand.  Maria Duron is founder and moderator of #brandchat- a weekly Twitter chat focused on every aspect of branding that is recognized by Mashable as one the 15 Essential Twitter Chats for Social Media Marketers.
Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Small Business Owner: You are More Agile

As a small business owner or solopreneur, you are in constant war with your competition for the attention and loyalty of a (sometimes-small) consumer group. Larger companies may have the resources and capacity to roll out massive marketing campaigns, but it takes lots of creativity and hard work to make your brand’s voice heard.

To …

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Personal Branding Weekly – Mobilizing Your Personal Brand

Much of what’s written is about how to express your personal brand. In fact, when I’m contacted there’s usually a disappointing pause when I say that there’s ‘no magic bullet’ to personal branding. The only thing magical is discovering what makes you unique and expressing, exuding and engaging with your unique style. The key is …

Relationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Stand Out With Authentic Appreciation

Are you genuinely appreciating and encouraging the people around you?

It’s a simple question, and one that is quite important in the world we live in today. Organizational researchers have found that appreciation plays a major role in the morale and mood of an organization, and any negative perceptions about appreciation can be harmful to …

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Personal Branding Weekly – Happy Birthday #Brandchat

This week we hit a milestone in a twitter chat that I started five years ago.  In fact, our #brandchat birthday is this Wednesday, February 19th. In five years, we’ve met many BRANDidos (a term of endearment for all those who chat and share their insights and resources). Some have stayed, others have left and …

Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – Your Insincere Brand

All business is personal and is built upon your relationships with individuals. People carry forth (or don’t) the mission of the brand in daily actions. A company’s brand is the mission in action put forth by a conglomeration of many personal brands.

I took the time to trace that relationship because so many brands are …