Author: Jacob Share

Jacob Share, a job search expert, is the creator of JobMob, one of the biggest blogs in the world about finding jobs. Follow him on Twitter for job search tips and humor.
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryeBrandRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Michael Phelps: How To Fix Your Google CV

After his recent pot smoking incident, Michael Phelps’ Google CV went from stellar to cellar. Here’s what he can do to repair the damage.

News travels faster than ever

Dan Schawbel’s interview with Ehud Furman explained that a Google CV is “the Google search results page returned for a name search”. In How Michael Phelps …

FuturesInterviewMe 2.0Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

The 2009 Personal Avatar Size Reference Guide

You’ve read the 11 Rules for Best Personal Branding Results with Avatars, have a perfect image for your avatar and want to get started visually improving your personal brand online. This handy reference will help you do just that.

What you need to know before spreading your avatar

Most sites only use square images

If …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryMiscRelationships & Personal Growth

Barack Hussein Obama Junior: The Best Personal Brand Name Ever?

With the presidential inauguration only a few days away, we’re about to see how good Barack Obama’s personal brand name really is. Why wait? Here’s a preview.

The ultimate Web 2.0 name?

My full name is Jacob Share. That’s it. No middle name, no first initial for a name I don’t like, just Jacob Share. …