The Soft Skills That Will Get You Hired
It’s that time of year again.
College grads are having their coming out parties.
Careers are in the offing.
Soft Skills Will Help them Get Hired
Soft skills will get you hired too. By learning and using soft skills you will be able to set yourself apart in your career. They aren’t hard to master. …

If In Doubt Map It Out
What do you do when you’re trying to understand something?
Do you gather data?
Do you phone a friend?
Or do you get a pen and paper and write it down?
If you’re really trying to understand something sometimes it makes sense to write it down. This is especially true for kinesthetic learners. The act …

Five of the Best Mothers Little Helpers
In honor of Mother’s Day.
This post is a reminder of the things we learned from our mothers.
Some are big and some are little, but they are things we can take away as Mothers Little Helpers. As I wrote this I thought of a lot of things I learned from my mother and worked …

Can You See the End From the Beginning?
How a pop song can help you.
“I can see the end as it begins …”
Taylor Swift in her song “Wildest Dreams”
I don’t often quote Taylor Swift songs, but I happened to hear this line in the song recently and it got me thinking:
Is Taylor Swift a visionary? Are her lyrics also…
Three Tips to Get More Time In Your Day
There’s an old saying that goes something like this:
It’s not how long it is … it’s how you use it.
Yes, this is a euphemism for something else.
And, it also applies to your day.
Invest in Time … because they aren’t making any more of it.
Yes, this is another euphemism.
Guess what? …

Time to Clean Up Your Act
It’s Spring Time!
At least in the northern hemisphere.
Which means … it’s time to take a look at the way you are exposing and expressing yourself to the world.
It’s time to take a look at your your social channels and your plans for using them.
There is no wrong answer
More and more …

The Rise of the Specialist
I have a theory.
It’s been developing for a few years.
It’s been tested over the past couple of years.
And it may be coming to a head now.
Did the Great Recession Create Specialists?
This is one conclusion I have come to. I’ve not tested it extensively with regressive and longitudinal studies, but I …

Three Questions Every Interviewee MUST Be Ready to Answer
Interviews are stressful.
You never know what to expect.
But, you SHOULD expect these three questions.
Or at least some variation of them.
Be Prepared or Else
I suggest you be ready to answer the following three questions. They may not be asked in this same way, but some variation of them will (eventually) be …

Solve for Why … The Business Secret
How often do you ask why?
Is there a maximum number of times to ask why?
Why … do you say that or think that?
The 5 Why’s
Asking why five times is a commonly used tool (and expression) to get to the root of an issue. In the system developed in Japan by Sakichi …

Using LWL to Get Ahead
How often do you Listen?
Really Listen?
Before taking action?
It Can Be Hard
I know from personal experience that it can be hard not to jump to conclusions, not to leap forward with assumptions, and to not try and prescribe before diagnosing.
Stop. At least for one conversation today … stop.
Then … Listen. …