Using Five Before Ten Lists to Get Things Done
It’s all about Getting Things Done these days.
There are as many models for Getting Things Done (GTD) as there are stars in the sky. Well, maybe not that many, but close.
What’s your preferred method for Getting Things Done?
I’d like to share a model I am experimenting with now. It’s simple to say …

How Soon Should You Update Your LinkedIn Profile
You just started a new job. You are bursting at the seams.
You want EVERYONE to know. But … Are you wondering:
After starting a new job … How soon should you update your LinkedIn profile?
Of course … You are excited. You really want to tell everyone.
However, give yourself two weeks.
Yes, two …

What’s Your Personal BHAG for 2017?
Have you set yours yet?
If yes, how’s it going?
If not, now is a good time to consider your BHAG for 2017.
What is a BHAG?
If you read the seminal book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins this will not be a new term to you. If you haven’t gotten around to reading …

Who is Challenging your Thinking?
If you don’t have someone regularly challenging your thinking my recommendation is to get someone to fill that role … today.
It could be a friend, a peer or a mentor. Or, as you’ll see below it could be someone you have never met and will never meet.
I’m sure you are finding that your …

What Can You Dump Today to Be More Productive?
Using the 4D’s of Time Management can help you become more productive.
But, there is a cost. While you may be respected for your time management skills you may not be very well liked.
Be aware of this when you apply The 4D’s to your business and personal time management efforts.
What are the 4D’s …

What Can You Do In Two Minutes?
The answer is… A lot!
Everyone has the same amount of time every day. How you decide to use that time is, for the most part, up to you.
We all get the same 86,400 seconds every day. Use them wisely (and occasionally) in 120 second bursts!
Consider the Two Minute Drill
There is a …

Using the Job Boards to Grow Your Career
It’s never been easier.
The job boards are making it very easy to understand what roles are in demand and about updated job descriptions and skills are for today’s workforce.
FACT: Millennials will change jobs four times by the age of 32
This is not a slight to Millennials. It’s a fact of the modern …

7 Gives and 7 Takes for 2017
This is the last Personal Branding Blog post for me in 2016.
Over the last few weeks I have written a lot about finding a job through the holidays and a few of the things I’ve learned thru the process of searching for a job myself.
This post and the Gives and Takes below were …

Using Your Network in a Job Search
Networking is not a dirty word.
Networking is something you should be doing all the time.
As noted in this previous post … Growing your Network is your Job
Since it’s your job … or at least part of it … you should feel comfortable and confident using it when you are making a change …

6 Things You Learn in a Job Search
There are a lot of truths you will discover about yourself and others in the job search process.
Everything from recommendations to referrals, to people you have helped and now cannot seem to find 5 minutes to call you back, to the way you can insure your job search process is as smooth and professional …